Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Belcastro Agency
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips
Finishing Home Baked by Alia Volz makes me hungry (no pun intended) for more memoirs of remarkable people, extraordinary lives and eccentric stories. Especially from diverse backgrounds. #mswl
Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips
Diverse fantasies please!
Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips
More diverse characters, cultures and authors.
Sharon Belcastro
Literary Agent
Introvert surviving in an extroverted world. Lover of books, animals, plants, the beach, working out and eating tacos. @belcastr
50 Queries
17 Tips