Lane Heymont
Literary Agent
Tobias Literary Agency
Literary Agent. Connoisseur of horror, schadenfreude, and caffeine. Founder of @TheTobiasAgency. Opinions are my own. (he/him)

Literary Agent
Tom Vaughan @storyandplot
THE INVITATION (2015) is approaching 10 years old, and if you haven't seen it, do so.It is a triumph of paranoia and gaslighting.
If you need a masterclass on tension for your screenwriting and directing, look here.
I love this movie.
This movie is a masterpiece ! Such a HARD #mswl !

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
SFF is hard for me because I grew up in it so it’s difficult to feel fresh. Look at who I represent for a feel of my tastes: THE Linda Addison (@nytebird45), Hailey Piper (@HaileyPiperSays), Cynthia Pelayo, etc. #MSWL 🧵

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Jacqui Lipton @Jacqui_Lipton
Who wants to jump in next with a #mswl? @LaneHeymont ? (And, authors, remember you can ask any of us questions and feel free to tag any of us you want to answer.)What am I looking for? Horror, horror, HORROR. Obviously. Also, thriller, suspense, and nonfiction by experts in their fields. So let’s dive in a little more a #MSWL 🧵

Literary Agent
Lane Heymont @LaneHeymont
What am I looking for in NONFICTION? This is harder because I’m a nerd with eclectic tastes. POP SCIENCE, all the sciences. ONLY if you’re an expert. You’re an marketing executive? Cool, but don’t send me a proposal about the moon. You’re a moonologist? Send me a moon playbook!Oy. Forgot the #mswl

Literary Agent
WHITE HORSE? Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Crisis. Awful father disappears his own daughter and no bothers to investigate. Not even her friends or family. The monster? The crisis itself.
Okay, that’s it for horror. Hope it’s help.
Now onto nonfiction!

Literary Agent
THE ONLY GOOD INDIANS? No monster without those kids breaking, forgetting, discarding their tribe’s tradition. It’s modern day people scoffing at what their ancestors held holy.

Literary Agent
Sure, there were monsters but only monsters driven by humanity’s own misdeeds. There would be no horror in ALL THE WHITE SPACES without the sins and guilt those explorers brought with them. Even the fact they traveled there showed their dark desires.

Literary Agent
Forget serial killers and the Albert Fishes. Show me SOFT AND QUIET. The horror everyday people do. Examples? WHITE HORSE, ALL THE WHITE SPACES, THE ONLY GOOD INDIANS.

Literary Agent
What makes the best horror? The unknown. We don’t need monsters that go bump in the night because we are the monsters. Show me the evil darkness of humanity. What do I actually mean?

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Some fave authors (besides my own!) are Stephen Graham Jones, Sheridan Le Fanu, Octavia Butler, Alma Katsu, Erika T. Wurth, Waubgeshig Rice, Cherie Dimaline.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent