Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
If we ask for a revise & resubmit, don't rush the revisions! We're here; we'll remember you; we can't wait to reread. Often I see authors scramble to finish w/n 4-6 weeks, and that can honestly do a disservice to the book. The edits often feel way too raw. #querytip
Literary Agent
Welcome, #RevPit! This #10queries is for anyone, even if you're not entering the contest in April. We aim to instruct, to grow, and to have fun! All weekend, our editors will be chatting about queries and pages and giving feedback. #amediting #amwriting #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Naomi Davis @NaomisLitPix
Yesterday I talked a bit about story openings,&I want to elaborate on that&how you might approach a fix for it. You might see rejections like “The opening pages didn’t hook me” or “I found I couldn’t invest in the character as quickly as I needed to.” (1)#amwriting #amediting #amquerying #querytip thread cuz apparently I don't know how hashtagging works ;-)
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Women's fiction needs plot. A lot of plot. Just fyi. #querytip #writerstip #WomensFiction
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Janet Reid @Janet_Reid
I'm reading queries and just realized I am 100% done with, and over "bad boys" particularly adult men who act like idiots in novels. Particularly those with long suffering (enabling) wives/girlfriends/daughters.Couldn't agree more. #querytip Skip me for these, please.
Literary Agent
#QueryTip Know how your book compares to titles in the market. To find word counts + more of comps for your WIP, go to, search for the book, and click on the title for reading level, word count, etc. #amquerying #amrevising
Literary Agent
#Querytip If you're writing a heroine or plot line similar to A Shadow Bright & Burning, I'm probably not a fit. Many people ❤️ this book, and I ❤️ my strong female leads. But I just couldn't connect. #amquerying
Literary Agent
#QueryTip When I see a submitted manuscript has 140K+ words, I know the manuscript can be further streamlined and is not polished or ready for me yet. #amrevising #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#QueryTip It's always so hard for me not to respond to queries that aren't good fits for me but have great potential. If you're querying, don't give up. Keep writing, keep revising, keep querying. #amwriting #amquerying