If you queried Amy Berkower, we are caught up on e-queries through April 6* and partials through March 6. If you haven't received a response, please re-send!
#querytip #amquerying

Literary Agency
10 Things to do Before you Query Literary Agents youtu.be/oRadnZtV4mU via @YouTube #QueryTip

Literary Agent

I would argue with Stephen King that the road to hell is not paved with adverbs, but instead, passive voice (was, were, had, etc.). Adverbs are the rumble strip. #writetip #querytip #WritersRoad

Literary Agent

Authors I beg of you: PLEASE research before you query. Sending your secular novel to a Christian publisher is a waste of time for both of you. And please, PLEASE follow sub guidelines. If a pub asks for first 10 pages, include the first 10 pages. Not random chapters. #querytip

Literary Agent
Where should I spend my marketing dollars? by @Melissa_Tagg on @MyBookTherapy #writingtip #writing #pubtip learnhowtowriteanovel.com/blog/2020/04/2…

Literary Agent
5 Reasons You Should Host a Facebook Live Book Launch Party – Pandemic or Not - @LoriHatcher2 on @EdieMelson ow.ly/fejY50zmOMI #writing #booklaunch #pubtip

Literary Agent
Hi friends! If you're a fan of my Agents & Books newsletter, will you tell a friend? This post of some greatest hits is a nice place to start!
#amwriting #amquerying #literaryagents #pubtip

Receiving a rejection while querying isn't a failure, it's a step in the right direction. You put yourself and your work out there, and that is not an easy first step to take. #querytip #WritersRoad

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Writers please note, if you have queried me in the past and it did not result in a request, but you've done major revisions, I'd be happy to see your work again. Just mention it in the query.
#querytip #amquerying

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

I am currently caught up on queries. If you haven't heard from me, it's because I am giving your work the coveted closer look. If I passed, you are to be commended for your bravery in putting yourself out there. It is the first step to success! #QueryTip

I am an editor with a publishing press. I am not an agent. Editors acquire, agents represent. If your query says "I am looking for representation", that's a redflag that you haven't done your research, or might be spitball submitting. #querytip

Writing is a wonderful way to spend your quarantine time. But please, do not submit your work without first editing it, and carefully researching to make sure you are submitting it to the correct people. Spitball submitting just gains you more rejections. #querytip

I am open to unagented queries, but please, please, read up on City Owl Press, and myself, and only submit to us if your work is right for us. There are genres we don't publish and we will not make acceptions. #querytip cityowlpress.com

Literary Agent