Literary Agent
Don't cont:
• Too many characters and stakes. Who is your MAIN character showing plot? That's who I need to know about.
• Abstract genre placement. ("This book doesn't fall into one clear genre..." or "This book is a genre of its own" - well, that makes it hard for me to sell.)
Literary Agent
• Many Proper Nouns, be they names, surnames, locations, titles. Keep to the min necessary to accomplish the above
• Long or abstract descriptions ("This book is about family, & journey to love oneself in spite of etc etc"). Tell me the PLOT. The rest shows on its own.
Literary Agent
Do cont:
• Smart and sparse use of dialogue tags in writing sample (show, vs tells)
• Comp titles that tell me something concise and specific about the audience (movies are fine)
• Clear, professional bio paragraph with relevant history and current activity like social media
Literary Agent
If you've queried Amy Berkower, we are caught up on general queries through March 18, and partials through March 4. If you haven't received a reply (and queried before that date), please do follow up with me at ggagne at writershouse dot com.
#amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
How to Know if an Agent is Reputable via @YouTube #QueryTip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Submit and have the chance to have your pages (anonymously) reviewed by a Belcastro agent & featured in our critique party video!! We’ll post next week!
#writers #writingcommunity #amwriting #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Jennifer Aline @jenni_aline
I'd love a quick sentence of advice if you have time to type one up: @mcorvisiero @Janet_Reid @MegLaTorre @karaneleniwrite @laurenspieller #literaryagent #queryletterhelp #editorhelpSure! Make sure that you follow each agent's submission guidelines, try to make your work sound interesting and unique, and always include all of information the Agent will need to make a decision and love your work. #QueryLetterHelp #querytip @CorvisieroLit #WritingCommunity
Literary Agent
Query box update: I am caught up to March 1 UNLESS you are in my maybe pile or have already been requested #amagenting #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Eric Smith @ericsmithrocks
I was supposed to be at a conference this weekend, so I gave a talk to the only audience available.Let’s briefly discuss using comparative titles.
Best. Video. Today!
Totally needed this today thank you, @ericsmithrocks! #amagenting #pubtip #pubtalk
Literary Agent
One last thing: I've been finding this book tremendously helpful, and honestly, it's one I'm going to keep in my #pubtip pocket to recommend to all my clients in the long-term because it's also useful for the psychological ski slope of book writing:…
Literary Agent
A.M. Rose @annmrose
Another day and another round of submissions that start with either a dream and then the character waking up, or just the character waking up.Writers: You are amazing and so creative, and I promise you, you can do better.
#querytip #slushinsight #amquerying
Here's an idea... If you do have a completed story that starts this way, comment below, and I will pick one (or more) at random to review your synopsis and help you find a better (more compelling) starting off point.
#querytip #amquerying #slushinsight
Literary Agent
Another day and another round of submissions that start with either a dream and then the character waking up, or just the character waking up.
Writers: You are amazing and so creative, and I promise you, you can do better.
#querytip #slushinsight #amquerying
Literary Agent
Give yourself the best chance at catching an agent's interest, please research the difference between a "query letter" and "synopsis". Thank you! I hope you are having a good day! #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
If you've queried me, I don't need to know if someone else has requested a full. I only need to know if they've requested to represent you. #querytip #amquerying #amwriting #WritingCommunity
Literary Agent
Anna Sproul-Latimer @annasproul
Hey, here's a random #pubtip thread that applies at all times, but especially so right now: of all the things that are greatly overrated in the life, success, and overall quality of a book submission, "momentum" is probably the most overrated of them all.This is one of those #pubtip threads that is really really impt to know and one of the top 2 things I wish authors *did* know before starting a nonfiction publishing career. (The other one is "treat it like a small business.") YES, I am RTing myself in a naked grab for more likes