Ann Rose
Literary Agent
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe
207 MSWL
448 AskAgent
11 Queries
127 Tips

Other random trends:
Historical set in WW2 or Civil War
Greek Mythology
Gods vs Demons
MCs who have “dreams”
#Metoo books

#SlushInsight #querytip

Ann Rose
Literary Agent
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe
207 MSWL
448 AskAgent
11 Queries
127 Tips

Another thing I'm seeing are a lot of books that are "series" where the first is basically just the build-up to the actual story in book 2. Ultimately, an entire "back story" book.
Don't wait for book 2 for all the good stuff to happen.
#SlushInsight #querytip

Ann Rose
Literary Agent
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe
207 MSWL
448 AskAgent
11 Queries
127 Tips

5) People sending pages without a query or synopsis - just pages
6) Books that list their genre as two completely different thing (ex: MG & WF)
7) The "generic" query - meaning it doesn't even include my name - just says "Query" at the top
#SlushInsight #querytip

Ann Rose
Literary Agent
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe
207 MSWL
448 AskAgent
11 Queries
127 Tips

Trends in my query box:
1) People not following guidelines
2) "This book/series is available on Amazon but..."
3) Books separated into multiple books because they're over word count standards for the genre
4) Pages that aren't double spaced
#SlushInsight #querytip

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

A lot of smart pitching tips here applicable for writers currently querying. #querytip
If You Confuse People, You Lose People: 4 Steps To Simplify Any Message

Penny Moore
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @AevitasCreative .🇰🇷혼혈. Cat Mom. Opinions are my own. Here’s a resource if you need it:
126 MSWL
80 Tips

If you’re querying an agent with a MS for the first time, or if you’re a writer going on submission for the first time, congratulate yourself. Putting such a huge piece of yourself out there for others to judge is a BRAVE thing to do, so take pride in that achievement! #pubtip

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

Dearest New Writers, it is with great love and best wishes for you that I strongly suggest some hesitation before adding "bestselling, award-winning" and other such super-duper-extra-fabulous (ahem, truth-stretching) superlatives to your bio. #querytip #authortip

Cortney Radocaj
Literary Agent
literary agent @belcastr • she/they • queer • neurodivergent • query me at
111 MSWL
43 AskAgent
74 Tips

#querytip Check the formatting of your query before submitting! If your query, synopsis, or pages are in one huge block of text without any paragraph breaks, they become extremely difficult to read—and therefore extremely difficult to connect with 😞

Kate McKean
Literary Agent
CLOSED TO QUERIES. VP at Morhaim Literary. Daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings. Rep’d by @Michaelbourret
35 AskAgent
115 Tips

Whoooooooo wheeeeeeee, I got a little salty in this week's paid Agents and Books:

Stop Using Statistics to Prove Your Market…

#pubtip #amquerying #amwriting

Sara Megibow
Literary Agent
she/her Literary Agent at KT Literary. Reading, parenting, table top gaming, baking challah, hiking and wine tasting. Always LGBTQIA+ friendly!
13 AskAgent
298 Queries
525 Tips

It's royalty statement season again. It's common for money in publishing to go up and down like a pinball (advances, royalties, returns, subrights deals, etc).


Noah Ballard
Literary Agent
Literary agent @vervetla , co-host of @BeReelPod on @ThePlaylist . He/him. Opinions are my own and not the views of my employer.
5 Tips

This week, I've had a spate of really rude follow-ups to queries. #querytip: Be patient, be generous, be kind. You're not going to bully anyone into representing you.

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

Q: How much of the story should a query cover?

A: You're just pitching the story, not giving away all the details. Similar to the back cover description on a published book. #querytip

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Reading through queries this morning and I have two very obvious #querytip. 1) I don't want to see debut projects greater than 150,000 words. 2) Your book should be 100% complete before you query me.

Alec Shane
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Writers House, LLC. Wannabe Patriots sportswriter.
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
346 Queries
122 Tips
Cecilia Lyra
Literary Agent
Storyteller & Storyseller / Associate Literary Agent @PSLiterary ✍🏽 Co-host of @TSNOTYAW podcast 🎧 Feminist. Latinx. Immigrant. Reader.
142 MSWL
58 AskAgent
2 Tips

#querytip --- as general rule, do NOT comment on an agent's appearance. It doesn't matter if you think it's a compliment. It doesn't matter if their picture spoke to you (whatever that means). #WritingCommunity #HowNotToQuery I really shouldn't have to say this. 🙄 #amquerying

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
122 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

Oh goodness gracious, loves of mine, PLEASE do not subscribe someone to your email list w/o asking, but also DO NOT subscribe a submissions email to your list. At any given time w btwn 1k & 3k emails in our submissions, only submissions go there, I'm begging you #querytip #subtip

Saritza Hernandez
Literary Agent
📚 Literary Agent @AndreaBrownLit , 👩🏽‍💻#UCLAAnnex educator, ☕️@aalitagents member #autismparent 🧩 #lgbtparent #queeraf 💖💙💜 she/her/ella 🇵🇷#SarysPosse
132 MSWL
12 AskAgent
39 Queries
98 Tips

Authors: Please do NOT send your #query to my inbox. All queries must come through QueryManager. I delete all queries in my email. For your sake, and those who want to read your words, follow submission guidelines! #querytip…

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
931 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

#querystats I hit query 0 so all queries have been answered. Check your spam/junk if you haven't heard back.

I do have 14 requested manuscripts now to work through, and those go back to 1/15.

Deidre Knight
Literary Agent
Literary agent and NYT bestselling novelist. President of the Knight Agency, founded 1996.
34 Tips