Literary Agent
Other random trends:
Historical set in WW2 or Civil War
Greek Mythology
Gods vs Demons
MCs who have “dreams”
#Metoo books
#SlushInsight #querytip
Literary Agent
Another thing I'm seeing are a lot of books that are "series" where the first is basically just the build-up to the actual story in book 2. Ultimately, an entire "back story" book.
Don't wait for book 2 for all the good stuff to happen.
#SlushInsight #querytip
Literary Agent
5) People sending pages without a query or synopsis - just pages
6) Books that list their genre as two completely different thing (ex: MG & WF)
7) The "generic" query - meaning it doesn't even include my name - just says "Query" at the top
#SlushInsight #querytip
Literary Agent
Trends in my query box:
1) People not following guidelines
2) "This book/series is available on Amazon but..."
3) Books separated into multiple books because they're over word count standards for the genre
4) Pages that aren't double spaced
#SlushInsight #querytip
Literary Agent
A lot of smart pitching tips here applicable for writers currently querying. #querytip
If You Confuse People, You Lose People: 4 Steps To Simplify Any Message
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Dearest New Writers, it is with great love and best wishes for you that I strongly suggest some hesitation before adding "bestselling, award-winning" and other such super-duper-extra-fabulous (ahem, truth-stretching) superlatives to your bio. #querytip #authortip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Whoooooooo wheeeeeeee, I got a little salty in this week's paid Agents and Books:
Stop Using Statistics to Prove Your Market…
#pubtip #amquerying #amwriting
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Corvisiero Agency @CorvisieroLit
🎉GIVEAWAY🎉 RT by 8/30 to enter for a chance to win 1 of 2 prizes:- A scholarship to our Redbank, NJ #AuthorPreneur Workshop.
- OR a submissions package critique from one of our agents.
#WritingCommunity #amwriting For more information:…
Great opportunity for everyone! #amediting #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Delilah S. Dawson @DelilahSDawson
8. Most writers don't sell their first book. I didn't. That's normal. Write the next book, edit it, polish it, query it. Keep going until your skill level is high enough to get an agent. Don't get stuck on one book like it's your only source of hope. Keep producing and learning.This whole thread is amazingly great, but I think this one in particular is something all authors would do well to follow. #querytip
Literary Agent
#querytip --- as general rule, do NOT comment on an agent's appearance. It doesn't matter if you think it's a compliment. It doesn't matter if their picture spoke to you (whatever that means). #WritingCommunity #HowNotToQuery I really shouldn't have to say this. 🙄 #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Authors: Please do NOT send your #query to my inbox. All queries must come through QueryManager. I delete all queries in my email. For your sake, and those who want to read your words, follow submission guidelines! #querytip…
Literary Agent
#querystats I hit query 0 so all queries have been answered. Check your spam/junk if you haven't heard back.
I do have 14 requested manuscripts now to work through, and those go back to 1/15.
Literary Agent
DeidreKnight @DeidreKnight
I have seen this so many times, I need to offer an impt #pubtip. If querying an agent who uses query, don't ignore their open categories.People keep querying me for fiction, selecting unrelated nonfiction topics. Do NOT do this. Here's why THREAD
Retweeting because it keeps happening, ie people using my nonfiction query form to submit novels...thanks all! #pubtip