Literary Agent
“The more I can promote those bands, the more I can guarantee that our genre is going to continue…it’s all about paying it fucking forward because somebody helped me. If I don’t help somebody else, how is this going to continue?” - Corey Taylor #PubTip #WednesdayWisdom
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Sue Canfield, Ausoma @SueAwesome
It's not the number of social media followers you have that impresses literary agent @gordonwarnock #NFWC. What's more important is having a high level of interaction and engagement. Are you reaching your target audience & are they engaging, sharing, commenting, and retweeting?100%. If you have a ton of followers, and nobody cares enough about what you're saying to comment/like/share, it's not a good indication that they'll care enough when you say, "Buy my book." #PubTip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
For all you writers working on writing your query.
Agent @msmariavicente shares 9 Ways to Rock Your Query Letter #querytip
Literary Agent
#QueryTip With me, no means not yet. If you query me, and I pass, you are welcome to send new projects to me, or a significant revision after six months. I am impressed by creators who don't give up and continue to write/revise + master their craft. Best of luck! #amquerying
Literary Agent
Tess Sharpe @sharpegirl
If you get an offer, alert EVERYONE. I mean it. Everyone who has your query, even if they haven't gotten back to you or requested a full. You want as many people offering and giving you different takes on your career paths as you can. The offer week is illuminating.I cannot express how important this is. No, you won’t annoy agents by alerting us you have an offer. Even if we haven’t gotten to your query. Or have had requested material for a bit. Please PLEASE tell us. #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Penny Moore @precociouspenny
I think an important thing to ask an agent when considering an offer is if they submit more than one client’s work to an editor at the same time. Generally, this is a bad practice, unless there’s some sort of special situation and the agent and editor are in agreement. #pubtipThe reason why I say this is because realistically an editor won’t or can’t buy multiple projects from the same agent at the same time, so essentially the agent is pitting their clients against each other for the same editor’s attention. #pubtip
Literary Agency
.@BookEndsKim is back! She joins @BookEndsJessica and @jamerrson as they discuss 6 Things that MAKE A Great Query Blurb. #AmQuerying #QueryTip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
What's the difference between market and platform?
#amwriting #writingcommunity #pubtip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Penny Moore @precociouspenny
If an agent has your full MS in their submission pile, and you receive an offer of rep, PLEASE let that agent know immediately. It’s never good for an agent to have to spend their valuable time on reading something to find out the writer already accepted an offer. #pubtipIf an agent took the time to thoroughly read your query and request the full MS, the very least a writer can do is keep them apprised of any movement. It’s a professional courtesy that I hope querying writers will keep in mind. Thank you! #pubtip