Literary Agent
To the wide querying world: I’m not officially closing for queries over the holidays (reopening and closing makes my head spin) BUT…I’m also not going to be looking at them after this week until January. So query if you want, but maybe don't? #querytip #amagenting
Literary Agency
Writing can be a form of therapy. Don't run away from it. Tell your truth and you may inspire someone else to tell theirs. #SerendipityLit #ReginasGems #QOTD #InspirationalQuote #amwriting #MSWL #WriteTip #PubTip #QueryTip #AskAgent #writingtip #amediting #bookbuzz
Literary Agent
How I Pitched Wine and Punishment by Sarah Fox #querytip #agentpitch…
Literary Agent
It can be very disorienting to read a #query that makes no mention of its genre. Not only does genre help me think critically about how this project will fit in the market, it tells me that you are also aware of where this project sits on the shelf. #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kate McKean @kate_mckean
Pub credits et al tell us what you're up to, or have been up to. What worlds are you active in? Has anyone heard of them? Are they related to the book you're querying? Will they help with promotion? #pubtip 2/3If you don't have any yet, don't worry--if you're writing fiction. If you're writing many types of non-fiction, we definitely ARE looking for pub credits related to your book. #pubtip 3/3
Literary Agent
Kate McKean @kate_mckean
Some end of year #pubtips: When agents ask for your pub credits or previously published works in a query letter, we're not asking you to prove SOMEONE ELSE LIKED MY WRITING SO YOU WILL TOO. 1/3Pub credits et al tell us what you're up to, or have been up to. What worlds are you active in? Has anyone heard of them? Are they related to the book you're querying? Will they help with promotion? #pubtip 2/3
Literary Agent
Linda Camacho @LindaRandom
Gallt and Zacker Literary Agency is closed to queries until the new year. Happy Holidays from the crew! @AgentZacker, @erin_michelle_C, @beth_phelan, @EllenGreenberg, & Nancy Gallti’ll be catching up over break and look forward to diving back in after the start of 2019! #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Hey, writers! Just a note that I will not be sending any passes on queries until after the holidays. Hope you all have wonderful Decembers ahead of you! #amagenting #querytip
Literary Agent
I’m working through #queries today and have noticed a number of people comping to Harry Potter, Twilight, etc. Gentle reminder that it is almost never a good idea to comp to a franchise of this size. Too often, this feels like an uninformed choice. #querytip #querytrenches
Literary Agent
Adding to my Pinterest MSWL because THAT KIND OF NIGHT (…) #amagenting #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
We at BookEnds live by the 24-Hour Rule. Now we're sharing our tip with you! #pubtip
Literary Agent
Saba Sulaiman @agentsaba
here's the thing: rejection is the worst but *self-rejection* is the kiss of death in publishing. it is a beast only you can slay and banish and it’ll keep creeping up on you and tempting you to give up when things seem hopeless, and it is *on you* to tell it to shut the hell up.hii 2018's almost over (!) so here's a roundup of some of the #writetip and #pubtip threads i made this year that have resonated the most, beginning with
the time i talked about battling your self-rejection demons (it's doable and i highly recommend it)…
Literary Agent
Note: I am caught up on all queries to Nov 1. If you haven't received a response, check Spam or assume it's a pass. I've started tackling my submissions and maybe pile now! 😍 #amagenting #querytip
Literary Agent
For me, I need a reason a “contemporary” book is set in the 80s or 90s. The 90s were almost 20 years ago. That means for a YA book teens today weren’t even alive then. (Or for 19-year-olds they were only 1) #SlushInsight #querytip
Emily Rodmell @EmilyRodmell
Ideal length of a query letter: 3 to 4 paragraphs that all fit on one page.1 paragraph to introduce yourself.
1 to share why you think your book is a good fit.
1 to share a short blurb.
1 to offer qualifications (if applicable) and/or closing statement.
Great #pubtip
Catching up on queries for year-end, and seeing lots of pitches use suicide as a plot point/motivating factor for the protagonist. This gives me pause. If you're weaving suicide into your narrative, it's something I want to see dealt with carefully, in depth. #querytip
Literary Agent
#QueryTip Unfortunately, I cannot accept queries or pitches via Twitter dm, but I welcome everyone to query me via email:
I hope to have the opportunity to consider your work!