Literary Agency
#Pubtip - We have to have an emotional connection to your characters early in the book. If I don't care there, I won't care about reading the rest of your book!
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
#pubtip I am not just being old here, but adding harsh language, sex just to have it in a seen and crudeness does not make a book better.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
#pubtip Remember that women's fiction is not just a story with a female protagonist, but a story looking through the female lens.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Guess what? I'M OPEN FOR QUERIES AGAIN!!! Be sure to check my profile and MSWL page for all the lovelies I'm hunting ❤️ #querytip #amquerying…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Yearly #amagenting stats for 2018! #querytip #amquerying
Total queries: 2,483
Total requested: 115
Literary Agent
Jane Hoodless @JaneHoodless
Beatrix Potter–who died #OTD 1943–was a canny businesswoman & as early as 1903 had made & patented a Peter Rabbit doll. It was followed by other licensed merchandise spin-offs over the years & earned Potter an independent income, as well as immense profits for her publisher. Authors should always keep the merchandising rights to their book.
Literary Agent
Today is the last day to submit queries to me before the holidays! I'll be closed to queries 12/22-1/6. Thanks! #querytip #amagenting
Literary Agent
Maria Vicente @msmariavicente
You can even take a look at my representation wish list, just to see if you should be getting your query letter ready to send my way in January! have a bunch of querying resources for you too.) #querytip
Literary Agent
#Querytip I would suggest adding your title to the subject line of your query email. (Ex: Query for TITLE) Sometimes a title catches my eye and I'll read it immediately! #amquerying #querytrenches
Lessons from Rejections from our editor @AuthorLisaDunn… #ACFW #AmQuerying #AmWriting #AmEditing #PubTip #Writerslife
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
James McGowan @jamerrson
One of my pet peeves in reading submissions is receiving manuscripts with track changes and/or editorial comments on there-- and I'm realizing how common that seems to be! Make sure you're cleaning up your MSs before sending to agents.Don’t make this mistake when querying! #Amquerying #querytip #pubtip