Literary Agent
I get this question a lot. Can an author write in multiple genres? (Answer: it’s complicated.) Great post on it via @PubCrawlBlog… #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Friendly #amquerying #querytip PSA: Please use fonts that are super simple to read, rather than artistic, regardless of what you hope will appear in the final book. I read electronically all day. Your fancy curly font makes my eyeballs turn to tapioca pudding. Thank you!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#QueryTip A great title really helps to pique a reader's (or an agent's or editor's) interest (even if it gets changed later). Try to craft a title that raises a question in the reader's mind, and better yet, establishes tone and style. #amwriting #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Thinking this morning about the difference, as an agent, between a good query and a GIMME query. Both are queries that I’ll ask in, but what happens after that differs pretty widely between the two. (ramblings/thread ahead) (also #querytip)
Literary Agent
The ABCs of #Writing—26 Things Every Writer Needs to Know - @EdieMelson #pubtip
Literary Agent
If you're wondering about genre numbers #querytip #amquerying - I'm working through mid-September queries right now. I have 368 to read, and 227 of them are adult SFF.
So THANK YOU!! Because I LOVE having so many queries!!!
But that's why sometimes it takes a while to get reply.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Here’s a somewhat intangible quality agents look for: a writer who is open-minded and able to consider feedback. Remember: agents work for free until we sell your book. Therefore, it helps everyone when clients take feedback seriously. #publishing #pubtip
Literary Agent
In my book, no matter how talented you are, hard work, receptiveness, and general manners go a long way. It’s a professional relationship, yes, but like any relationship, trust and communication are so important. #publishing #pubtip
Literary Agent
How NOT to query an agent:
Don't tell me my smile or my young/vibrant appearance on my profile was what persuaded you to query me...
#amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
I have finally caught up to October in my query box! If you subbed earlier and haven't gotten a response, you might be in the Maybe pile 😉 #amquerying #amagenting #querytip
Literary Agent
Just a reminder that if your book is accepted, withdraw the submission from other publishers/agents ASAP. #pubtip