Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#querystats Oldest query is from August 3rd.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Cure the Mondays by spending time with me & @jamerrson while we talk queries #querytip #mondaymotivation
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Sarah E. Younger @seyitsme
Want to add to Authors querying remember if you accept an offer of publication or representation to remember to withdraw your query. And pls update during the process of either, you should totally keep those you’re querying looped in w/timelines & decisions. #QueryTip #PubTipLiterary Agent
Sarah E. Younger @seyitsme
This is an odd tweet, but I just want to say that I LOVE using Query Manager (the agency side of Query Tracker) if you are an agent and you don’t use it and want to ask me questions. Do! I LOVE IT. Makes my life so much better, light years better than email queries of yore.❤️
When submitting a manuscript that's part of an existing series or has strong ties to a book published elsewhere, make sure to mention it in your query. That way we have all the pertinent info up front when putting together an editing/marketing strategy. #submissions #pubtip
Literary Agent
As of Tuesday (maybe Wednesday morning) I was caught up. These are my #querystats after 2.5 days off.
Literary Agent
Jessica Faust @BookEndsJessica
It is nearly impossible to get blacklisted period, but especially because you query again. The worst that can happen is a “no” #quertipAgents want queries. We can’t get clients without them. A slow of empty inbox is depressing. #querystats
Literary Agent
Jessica Faust @BookEndsJessica
If an agent offers revision suggestions that create that lightbulb moment that makes everything come together requery that agent with that book. The best form of thanks is a 2nd chance. #quertipAt @bookendslit you can query every and all agents (or all agents who rep what you write) but just one at a time please. #querytip
Lessons from Rejections from our editor @AuthorLisaDunn… #ACFW #AmQuerying #AmWriting #AmEditing #PubTip #Writerslife
Literary Agent
Tamara Rittershaus @TRittershaus
@TracyMarchini This really gives perspective to the querying writer! Can you share how many you signed from the 1380?I've signed 4 picture books authors or author-illos so far in 2018, but I can't really say how many from the 1,380 queries received over the last 365 days. This would look at a calendar year though for all #pb, #mg and #ya queries:… #querystats
Literary Agent
Naomi Davis @NaomisLitPix
@CalPLogan Impossible for me to calculate, but I will say the only reason I don't seriously read any query is if it CLEARLY doesn't meet the genres I rep, or blatantly racist, or is deliberately insulting.Otherwise I read and consider ALL queries seriously.
My response to a very important question about how many of my #querystats are projects agents would not consider seriously.
Literary Agent
As of right now, I’ve answered all queries, and have a dozen or so July and August submissions waiting to be read. I’m excited about them and hopeful there will be more new clients in there! 5/5