Literary Agent
I don’t know my total number of submissions from last year, but I took on 9 new clients last year (again, not a typical year), so I imagine my stats were pretty similar then. 4/?
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Now, bear in mind, 10 new clients is a lot. Most years, I take on maybe 4-5 new clients. But a big part of my focus this year is growing my #nonfiction list and that’s reflected in these numbers. 8 of the 10 I signed write nonfiction. The other 2 write romance. 2/?
Literary Agent
Last night I signed my 10th new client of the year, and I want to take this opportunity to do a thread on #submissions and #querystats. Get ready to do some math with me. 1/?
Literary Agent
Beth Lewis @bethklewis
To repeat:#Writer: YOU DON'T NEED TO PAY TO SUBMIT YOUR WORK TO AGENTS. It won't help you. It won't get you submission to the top of the pile. It won't make an agent look more favourably on your book.
Go to an agent's website, click Submission Guidelines & do what it says.
Literary Agent
Carol Hinz @CarolCHinz
I’ve been thinking lately about the meaning of what success means for a book and the fact that there’s no one path to success. In fact, what success looks like can be very different from one book to the next.Such an important thread. Thank you for taking the time to share this, @CarolCHinz. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Jennifer Vanderputten @JenVanderputten
@NaomisLitPix Do you have a breakdown of how many were MG vs YA vs adult?661 adult, 152 MG, 457 YA. #querystats
Literary Agent
My SFF #querystats since joining Bookends in February 2018 (corrected):
I have received 1270 SFF queries in adult, YA, and MG.
Of those, I requested pages for 109 of them.
Of those, I have signed 4.
Literary Agent
In the past 365 days, I've received 1,380 picture book queries alone. #querystats
Literary Agency
#pubtip Go to a bookstore and look to see where your book would sit. Then buy similar books, read and see if that is the truth or just dreaming.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Reminder: a good agency reputation is great, but always, ALWAYS make sure you're comfortable with the way your agent works beyond social media and advertising.
(cc @ItGottlieb)
Literary Agent
#Pubtip Before your book pubs, tweeting about it once a day is not too much.
You can tweet book cover, blurbs, chapter titles, pics of ppl holding up the galley/book, quotes from book, why you wrote it, acknowledgments, writing advice...
Literary Agency
#pubtip Start your writing day off with a to-do list. Don't just say how many words you plan to write, but plan the story. What do you want you characters to accomplish and learn today. Don't let them quit until they are done!
Literary Agency
#pubtip If an editor or agent rejects your query letter, turning around and sending more material of the same project is not going to change our mind.
Literary Agent
I am your rom-com agent. #querytip #lovemyjob
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#querystats I have 5 queries and 2 requested manuscripts. Oldest query is from August 3rd.