Literary Agency
While I have no problem with resources that provide brief info on editors and agents, writers HAVE TO take the time to do their own research. Read submission guidelines. Go to the source. Make sure your story fits #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
#pubtip Take the weekend. Relax and just think about your next book, the synopsis you are writing or the query you are drafting. Is this really the best? Does this say what you want it to say? Would you buy this book or sign you as a client?
Literary Agent
sometimes when I'm editing, I just want to shout from the rafters, "Show, don't tell!!!". #literaryagent #amediting #querytip #pubtip
Literary Agent
I *am* still closed to queries, but I've updated what I'm looking for on @StonesongNYC's website and you should check it out for when I reopen! Here's a hint: 👀🕵️♀️🔎 #querytip
(I'll be updating my mswl page soon, too, so stay tuned!)
Literary Agency
Literary Agent
Good to be mindful of the difference between books and authors that inspire you and books to which your novel can clearly & logically be comped. #querytip
Literary Agent
Phaea Crede @PhaeaCrede
@BookEndsJessica Do you want to know the resolution too? Or just the journey to it?The journey. Think of it as writing the cover copy for your book. Practice by writing the cover copy or pitches/queries for some of your favorite books or emulate the copy of some competitive titles. #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson @kaitylynne13
#amquerying #querytip Saying this again, do not send me stories about Fae or Fairies. It's just not me. send them to me. Especially if they’re dark 🧚♂️! #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
#querystats I have 3 queries and 2 full manuscripts.
Literary Agent
#amquerying #querytip Saying this again, do not send me stories about Fae or Fairies. It's just not me.
Literary Agent
Been getting a lot of queries lately for books that sound like fascinating character studies, but don't have a clear story. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agency
Here's a shocker... If you submit something to me other than romance or women's fiction, you will be rejected. #pubtip read the guidelines...
Literary Agency
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#QueryTip + request as I read submissions late at night:
Please put page numbers on your manuscript or #PB dummy, if you're an author/illustrator. It's helpful for me to review your work, so I can tell you what I like, as well as suggestions, etc.
#amquerying #amwriting