Literary Agent
Caitlin Lambert @CaitlinALambert
Suzanne Collins published 5 MG novels before The Hunger Games (her wildly successful trilogy) hit shelves.Just because a debut doesn't:
▪️hit the NYT list
▪️make millions
▪️become a franchise
...doesn't mean a career is doomed. A debut 👏 doesn't 👏 define 👏 a career.
Love this!!! #pubtip #amagenting
Literary Agent
#QueryTip I try to be accessible on Twitter, but sometimes I miss a Tweet or a DM. If you wish to query me, please send a query letter + the first 10 pgs. or PB ms pasted into the email to You will get an auto confirmation. Good luck! #amquerying
Literary Agent
Query Box update: I am caught up to Aug. 1.
I do also have 21 queries in my Still Thinking box. So if you haven't gotten a response yet, crossed fingers. #amquerying #querytip #amagenting
Literary Agent
Saba Sulaiman @agentsaba
recently i’ve been thinking a lot about how to advise people who’ve approached me about whether or not they should pursue a career as a professional creative.An excellent thread by @agentsaba. Thank you for taking the time to put this together! #pubtip #WritingLife
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
A #querytip: the categories an agent says they do and do not represent ultimately trump the themes and qualities they describe liking. Your romance novel may be about intimacy and obsession, but romance isn't a category that I work in, so I wouldn't be the right agent for it!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Word counts are all over the place today. Does no one research industry standard anymore? #amquerying #querytip #amagenting
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
☕Coffee Time With Kara☕ Five Query Essentials. #QueryTip #AmQuerying #AmWriting #EditorTip #AskanEditor #PubTip #GetPublished #ACFW #MondayBlogs
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Please don't say you've met me, when I KNOW we haven't met because I've never been to the place where you said we'd met. #pubtip #amquerying #amwriting
Incomplete sentences make me twitchy. Every now and then for voice or emphasis, I can let them slide, but too many and I get this eye twitch thing going... #querytip