Victoria Marini

Literary Agent

High Line Literary Collective

Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips
Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#querytip comp titles are good. three comp titles from three different genres make me worry you don't know your audience. #choosewisely

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

please never ever ever ever talk about how much members of your family love your book. #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

Submission guidelines aren't arbitrary. I use them for a reason and they apply to any one and every one who queries. #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

YES! It won't end well! MT @jawlitagent Your agent should be your biggest fan. Don't settle for one who thinks you're just okay. #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

of all I've signed from Slush, none were a gimmick. Just straight forward, guideline following, well written queries. #querytip (2/2)

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

Please don't query me with multiple books simultaneously. Pick the strongest one #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

If the first lines of your query are also the first lines of the novel, it's likely your novel opens w/ too much summary. #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

careful of posing questions in your queries, because if you're attempting to elicit a response from me, the answer might be "no" #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

#querytip don't query unless your manuscript is complete.

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

"Literary agents treat unpublished writers like Ebola" --> This should not be the opening line of your query. For so many reasons. #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

Do not talk about how your book or past books were rejected by other agents or editors. Ever. #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

reminder to querying authors: You should be querying w/ current work. If you're asking for rep. based on a previous novel ... no #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

Remember, you're querying the AGENT not the Agency. Agencies are important, but you should have a specific agent in mind #pubtip #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

mostly b/c there often isn't anything more specific (2/2) #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

we know you want feedback. But if an agent passes on your MS, please don't request more specific info re: why they rejected (1/2) #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

yes, you can query me as well as any of the awesome agents at ICM. #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

A concept is a not a story; love, courage, friendship is not a story. I need to know what happens #querytip

Victoria Marini
Literary Agent
Literary Agent Not tall, just loud. Wants Books in which Things Happen
115 MSWL
45 Tips

please don't tell me that you don't know how to categorize your novel. It just makes me sigh wearily #querytip