Christa Heschke

Literary Agent

McIntosh & Otis

Children's Literary Agent, @McIntoshandOtis, movie-fanatic, dreamer, kid-at-heart, #GoPackGo, Western NY born and bred.

Christa Heschke
Literary Agent
Children's Literary Agent, @McIntoshandOtis , movie-fanatic, dreamer, kid-at-heart, #GoPackGo , Western NY born and bred.
13 Tips

Comps: PAN’S LABYRINTH for fairy-tale horror, Carrie Ryan (especially THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH), THE YEAR OF THE WITCHING, FINAL GIRLS, MEXICAN GOTHIC, WILDER GIRLS. I also can’t get enough horror movies—BODIES BODIES BODIES and BARBARIAN are two more that’ve stuck with me!

Christa Heschke
Literary Agent
Children's Literary Agent, @McIntoshandOtis , movie-fanatic, dreamer, kid-at-heart, #GoPackGo , Western NY born and bred.
13 Tips

Horror, YA & adult - To me, the best horror has social commentary (WHAT WE HARVEST, EAT YOUR HEART OUT). I love horror blended with fantasy or fairy tales. I never get tired of creepy forests & small towns with secrets, whether it’s a current setting, historical, or high fantasy!