Literary Agency
A Monday morning #QueryTip to get you motivated early. Make this your week #MondayMotivation.
We’ll answer any of your query questions in the comments all day today. Drop em if you have em! 👇…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I've already requested three full manuscripts today (and the day's not over yet). Y'all are just so amazing! I can't help myself.
#Querytip #SlushInsight #WritingCommunity
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Second, my #MSWL says I'm looking for diverse Southern voices. I've gotten a few queries claiming to tell #ownvoices/diverse Southern stories... that are not. I thought this would go without saying, but don't coopt this if you are not a marginalized voice.
#querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
I want to mention two things that are bumming me out lately:
First, I've had a big uptick in queries lately, & the MAJORITY of them are like 1-2 lines long. Total. This makes me want to pull out my hair. If you send me a 1-line query, I will reject it.
#querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Genevieve Gagne-Hawes @genevievejude
Time to sound that ol' "if you're getting offers on your book, let agents who have partials/fulls know so we can accelerate for you!" gong. #querytip also agents that you queried! I will hop on something fast if it has an offer, even if it's a query I haven't seen yet! #querytip
Time to sound that ol' "if you're getting offers on your book, let agents who have partials/fulls know so we can accelerate for you!" gong. #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#writingtip: You don't have to tell us a character nods their head. They can just nod. It's not like they can nod their knees, or elbows.
In case this isn't clear:
Bob nodded his head.
Bob nodded.
#querytip #amwriting
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Writers: If you set up your document correctly when you start writing you should never have to use the tab key to indent your paragraphs. If you don't know this trick, google it and figure it out now. Your future agent and editor will thank you.
#querytip #writingtip
Literary Agency
Choosing the Right Agent for YOU! via @YouTube #PubTip #QueryTip