Literary Agent
Brooks Sherman @byobrooks
Other agents may feel differently, but for me, knowing that a freelance editor has polished your manuscript neither helps nor hurts your chances. I simply want you to send me the best version of your work—how you get it there is your choice! #QueryTip…Cosigned. But I do like to know that work has happened, since I like having the full picture. #querytip
Literary Agent
#Writers, always be sure to check the agent's website before following directions from a magazine or interview. Their profile will always have the most up-to-date submission instructions. #amquerying #querytip #amediting #amwriting
Literary Agent
I was up late reading queries and kept seeing the same problem: “walls” of dialogue. It’s OK to start a story with dialogue but it better be purposeful. Otherwise after two plus pages of nothing but aimless conversation, I lose interest. #revisiontip #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Delilah S. Dawson @DelilahSDawson
When you break the submission rules, you're saying, "I value my genius over your time and expertise. I will prove you wrong." That is not a statement that makes professionals anxious to work with you. We know it will trickle/gush down into your every interaction/task. 10/This whole thread, but mostly this. Read the damn instructions. #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Typo for the day: Dust mites or Dust motes? #amwriting #amediting #amquerying #querytip
mites - insects like lice
motes - specks or particles
Literary Agent
Kate Brauning @KateBrauning
Okay, Monday #subtips time! This time the topic is about agents and editors responding to your queries and the frequent lack of feedback in passes. #subtipsGreat thread from the amazing @KateBrauning on why some agents/editors give feedback and some don't/can't! #amquerying #querytip #amwriting #amediting
Literary Agent
Guys, if you can't put my name your query letter, which is a business letter after all, or you address it to Dear Sir or Madam, I, and every agent out there, will delete without reading it. It's that simple! #helpyourselves #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Note to writers: If you ever have a line of dialogue that is simply "Yeah"—DELETE IT. Useless words that are often portrayed with body language or considered rhetorical anyway. #amediting #amwriting #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
#Writers, STOP PITCHING TO AGENTS ON TWITTER. I get you want to gauge their interest, but you need to query through the appropriate channels. This is not a place to cheat the line. We post likes and dislikes, but do not reject and accept your novel. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agency
How to Achieve Perfect Pitch, a new blog post series from @ericsmithrocks where he shares client query letters & explains why they hooked him! #querytip
Literary Agent
JenniferMarchSoloway @marchsoloway
#QueryTip Send queries in rounds, a handful of agents at a time. If those agents pass or you don't hear back, give yourself time between each round to rethink your strategy/pitch, revise, etc. Then try again. Revision is magical! #DontGiveUp #amqueryingSo much this! I pass on queries and then see them come back in WITHIN MINUTES to another agent. Give yourself an opportunity to fix and strategize. #querytip
Literary Agent
JenniferMarchSoloway @marchsoloway
#QueryTip Send queries in rounds, a handful of agents at a time. If those agents pass or you don't hear back, give yourself time between each round to rethink your strategy/pitch, revise, etc. Then try again. Revision is magical! #DontGiveUp #amquerying#QueryTip Seven is a good number for a submission round to test the draft + gather information. If it works, great! If not, there are many more fish in the agent sea. Revise your manuscript/pitch/strategy and try again. #amquerying
Literary Agent
#QueryTip Send queries in rounds, a handful of agents at a time. If those agents pass or you don't hear back, give yourself time between each round to rethink your strategy/pitch, revise, etc. Then try again. Revision is magical! #DontGiveUp #amquerying
Novellas are hard. Often when I'm reading queries, I latch onto an idea ("I love this!") -- then see a length of 35K words or less and falter. If you've got a great concept, it's always worth exploring whether or not there's a full novel there. #amquerying #querytip