Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson @kaitylynne13
#querytip and if we say novel is great EXCEPT the word count, we have industry experience to know WHY this could work if lowered (7/?)that's fantastic feedback. Either accept it and edit, or keep your mouth shut and continue querying elsewhere #querytip (8/?)
Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson @kaitylynne13
Readers have changed within last 5 years, let alone 10/20. If you're querying, usually not established. Your HUGE book... (5/?) #querytipWon't attract as well as you think. SO, take your attitude elsewhere. We give advice to raise your chances of publishing (6/?) #querytip
Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson @kaitylynne13
Just because someone else is an industry outlier, doesn't mean we can consider EVERY QUERY that has a 250k word count title #querytip (3/?)Using huge names to "shame us" when we say you're novel is too long? Maybe think WHY we gave this advice #querytip (4/?)
Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson @kaitylynne13
#querytip Maybe that novel was 500 pages and popular. Guess what? Probably not the author's debut. That wasn't their first query (2/?)Just because someone else is an industry outlier, doesn't mean we can consider EVERY QUERY that has a 250k word count title #querytip (3/?)
Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson @kaitylynne13
On this note of angry responses, here are some tips on an argument I see frequently: well [name of novel] is this long! (1/?)#querytip
#querytip Maybe that novel was 500 pages and popular. Guess what? Probably not the author's debut. That wasn't their first query (2/?)
Literary Agent
Kelly @YAFantasyFan
If I reject your work saying I'd look at it again after edits, there's no need to hunt down my personal email and send me a spiteful letter.THIS. Need to "get it off your chest"? Sounds like your problem, not ours. Deal with it without attacking the agent. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Danielle Bukowski @dani_bukie
#querytip (1/2) I receive submissions with a lot of typos. It's not an automatic "no," but it tells me you haven't read before submitting...(2/2)...And if you don't want to read your work again, how can you convince others to read it once? #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Should an Author Query Multiple Manuscripts at Once? #QueryTip…
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries Don't thank us for kind denial then say - I request you read my last chapter
1st didn't get us; last won't either #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I've posted this before, but I think it's super helpful, so I'm reposting!… #querytip
Literary Agent
Just had 4 queries in a row that gave neither age category nor word count. C'mon, people! #amagenting #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kate McKean @kate_mckean
PREACH…I have requested pitches & still rejected from the query. #querytip #queriesmatter