Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries Current trend. Teen obsessed w/ popularity, leads to her death. WHY is this a trend? #querytip
Literary Agent
#CLAqueries Sample pages should be very 1st pages, not a random portion from the middle of the book. Helps us connect to story #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kelly (Closed to Queries) @bookishchick
@loftliterary The best part about online courses is that you can take them from anywhere. Like your couch!So put on your pajamas and your thickest skin and come hang out with me, shred your query letter, and make it shine. #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Guys, following instructions is important. #amagenting #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
Or do you just need to rewrite those chapters so that they're better? There are all sorts of possibilities, but check that instinct!Rec'd thread. Very common #amquerying problem. Agents make decision on 1st pages b/c we know biz not b/c we're mean. We're not! #querytip
Literary Agent
#TipTuesday: Your #QueryLetter doesn't need to mention that ur querying me, that you’re seeking representation, etc. It's implied. #QueryTip
Literary Agent
#TipTuesday: There are better ways to start your #queryletter than narrating a rhetorical conversation with me. #querytip
Literary Agent
#QueryTip If you receive constructive feedback from an agent at a conference, don't query the next day. Revise first. Send your best work.