Literary Agent
Hope this thread helps someone! It's my favorite way to begin a revision!
#amquerying #writingcommunity #querytip
Literary Agent
If you can't eliminate that scene, find ways to cut and make what's left more vivid and emotionally resonant.
For scenes that were out of order, take a close look at your plot. There's a reason you didn't remember it correctly.
Literary Agent
Forgotten scenes are probably not as necessary and could be drastically cut down or eliminated. Take only the very important elements and see if you can fit them in somewhere else.
Literary Agent
Include character arc and plot--whatever you can remember. No more than 1-2 paragraphs.
ONLY THEN-go to your manuscript.
Write a paragraph for every scene.
Compare the versions.
Literary Agent
#amwriting #amrevising advice thread---
Wait 6-8 weeks.
Do not look at your manuscript, synopsis, or query letter.
From memory, write every scene of your novel in order. Put remembered ones wherever you happen to remember them.
Literary Agent
Your work may not be a good fit for my list or for our agency as a whole, that doesn’t mean it’s not publishable. Find the agent that really connects with the work & wants to champion it. Don’t re-query me with the same project I’ve already passed on. #querytip
Literary Agent
Is your inciting incident clearly evident in your synopsis if it doesn’t happen within the initial 5-page sample? #querytip
Literary Agent
A #querytip thread as I go through queries, and submissions today:
Your synopsis should show the beats of your plot. It is not a longer version of your query letter & should contain paragraphs (not just one block of text).
Make sure it’s engaging to read as well.
Literary Agency
Readers & Writers alike-- it's important to know: Why Pre-Orders Matter via @YouTube #PubTip
Literary Agent
Caitlin McDonald [social media hiatus] @literallycait
#mswl tip: you don't need to ask if you can or should query me. If your manuscript fits my submission parameters, you can query me! As to whether you should: only you can answer that. If you are interested in working with me, then do! Stop self-rejecting and give it a shot!Exactly ❤️
Literary Agent
Please don’t pitch your story to agents on Twitter unless it’s a pitch party. If you want to know if the agent will be interested in your MS, query them. Thanks! #amquerying #WritingCommunity #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Is it a problem if your agent wants to be a writer, too?
#pubtip #amwriting #amquerying #WritingCommunity…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Erin Clyburn @erin_clyburn
your synopsis should spoil the ending.your synopsis should spoil the ending.
your synopsis should spoil the ending.
your synopsis should spoil the ending.
your synopsis should spoil the ending.
your synopsis should spoil the ending.
After spending some time in my query box this morning, looks like it's time for a retweet. #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Friendly/helpful #QueryTip for those #AmQuerying from #WritingCommunity: I enjoy #ShortStories & #Novella format but they present challenges in trying to sell short works to a #publisher. Much easier to sell those alongside a full-length #Novel so let's see both or all three!
Literary Agent
Got a query addressed to Mr. Hoogland today - While the resemblance between @mike_hoogland and I is uncanny and our names are very similar 🙃might I suggest double checking that submission before you hit send today
#querytip #SlushInsight #mistakeshappen ❤️
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Writing is revising. #BookSupport #PubTip #WriteTip…