Literary Agency
“Here’s a secret trick to getting published: Quit your whining and write the damn book!” #MondayMotivation #PubTip…
Literary Agent
It’s #NationalSuicidePreventionWeek and suicide has touched my life more than once. As writers remember suicide is not just a plot point. It’s a real thing that affects real people. So do your research and use the corrects terms, please.
#querytip #amwriting
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I understand mass emailing a bunch of agents seems like an easy/quick way to query but for me it's a no go. I rarely pass without reading the pages but this is the exception. Spend the time and do it right. Follow submission guidelines. #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
L’Oreal Thompson Payton @LTintheCity
Updating the comps list (comparative releases) for my book proposal and reminding myself that there's room for all of us, there's room for all of us, there's room for all of us...Other successful books are not a threat. With comps, a good-selling title lifts all boats by proving the readership for the topic. #pubtip
Literary Agent
While you’re querying one project, write something different. Write something new. Keep learning and practicing your craft. Don’t ever become satisfied. Stay hungry. You want to be a writer? That’s what writers do. Even published ones.
#WritersLife #querytip
Literary Agent
We’ve just re-opened to queries and they’re pouring in! ☔️📨😊
#querytip :
@JennieDunhamLit & I SHARE queries, so no need to send one to each of us.
The good news: more bang for your buck! 😊
The bad news: if you’ve been rejected by one of us, it’s really by both of us.🙁
Literary Agency
With any query, the most important thing is to show that you know your market. And if you know your hook and it stands out, then it shows that you know what your market is. #QueryTip #WritingCommunity… via @YouTube
Literary Agent
Note to those questioning if contests like #PitMad are worth it:
I found half of my current clients through pitch contests. Two of which have SECRET news to share soon 😉 There's always a chance in events like these ❤️ #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agency
NEW VIDEO ALERT, #writingcommunity- Should You Copyright Your Book Before Querying? #QueryTip via @YouTube
Literary Agency
How many agents should you submit your query letter to?
As many agents as are appropriate, just be sure the genre of your #book is covered by that #agent. #BooksByTheNumbers
#Publishing @scbwi #Authors @PublishersWkly #PubTip @ALALibrary #AmWriting #Writers MUA: @FacesbyMadge
Literary Agent
#querytip #amquerying When writing a query, there’s two types of feedback it’s helpful to get:
1) does this make sense?
2) is this appropriate for a query?
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Anna Sproul-Latimer @annasproul
@taffyakner PEOPLE WANT TO FEEL. They just want to feel. Most would rather feel angry or anxious than not feel at all, although feelings of love and belonging are better. They want to feel animated by something and pulled by a sense of mission. They want big lives that matter.Psst, this is also an important #pubtip for selling a book, particularly nonfiction. You can be the most qualified and intelligent person on Earth, but if you're not giving people the clarion call, the shock of recognition, the prickling in the eyes, etc.
Literary Agency
Being a published author means that you own a business. And any successful business has to embrace reinvention. #TuesdayTip #PubTip… via @YouTube
Literary Agent
#querytip #query
Make sure the tone of your query letter matches the tone of your submission. Don't let there be a miscommunication between the two like there is between this scuba diver and shark.
#amwriting #amediting #writers #WritingCommunity
Literary Agent
When you transition from one line to the next in your query summary/pitch, the relationship between those two lines is dictated by how your story unfolds ("But" vs "Therefore"). If you're not sure what I mean, I suggest watching this:… #querytip
Literary Agent
Something I really enjoy seeing in a query is when someone tells me why they thought I would like their MS. Referencing my MSWL or my profile means you took the time to research your agents. These queries are my favorite, and I thank you for it. #querytip #amquerying