Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips

Think of a query letter like a cover letter. It is your first professional introduction. #querytip

Bridget Smith
Literary Agent
aka Breda. Literary agent at JABberwocky. Co-host of @ShipAndHandling publishing podcast. Plays with swords in free time. Way too long-winded for Twitte
21 Tips

And while we're here: 10 passes on your query is NOTHING. Keep trying! #querytip

Bridget Smith
Literary Agent
aka Breda. Literary agent at JABberwocky. Co-host of @ShipAndHandling publishing podcast. Plays with swords in free time. Way too long-winded for Twitte
21 Tips

I've had an upsurge in people responding to my query passes asking why, and honestly the primary reason is always going to be this: I get about 300-400 queries per month & can only read about 15-20 manuscripts per month, including clients'. The numbers are just hard. #querytip

Lisa Abellera
Literary Agent
Literary agent w/@K_C_Associates, book designer, writer, VONA alum, Filipina/Pinay, and lover of all things books 📚🦄🧙🏽‍♂️🐲🧞‍♀️👾🤖💃🏽🕵️‍♀️👮🏽‍♀️✍🏾📚
102 MSWL
42 AskAgent
44 Tips

Writer's Digest @WritersDigest

Here's the definitive post on word counts for various novel genres and for different children's books. #WritingCommunity

Lately I've been getting quite a bit of subs with word counts that are way off for their genres, so here's the classic but ever relevant post by @ChuckSambuchino on word count that all querying authors should read. #querytip #writetip…

Anna Sproul-Latimer
Literary Agent
Founding Partner, Neon Literary. Get in, loser, we’re making it art.
95 Tips

Fun fact: I am disturbingly good at Flip Cup. I am good at it because helping authors all day has taught me how valuable it is to take a deep and centering breath before shooting one’s shot. (I am horrifyingly a good shot too.) This is the beginning of a #pubtip!

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

Do You Know The Difference Between Literary, Upmarket and Commercial Fiction?

Knowing how to categorize your work is one of the most important skills a writer needs to know–especially while querying. Here’s an infographic to help. #writetip #querytip

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

Dear Writers,

I am currently caught up to JUNE in my Maybe Pile and AUGUST in my General Pile! =] #querytip #amquerying

Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Founder @triadaus , Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
1203 AskAgent
44 Queries
81 Tips

I LOVE it when a query is short, around 500 words or so, and the writer brilliantly includes: appropriate greeting, hook, genre, length, protagonists, conflict, comps, info about them, appropriate sign off. #querytip

Mary C. Moore
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
110 MSWL
42 AskAgent
222 Tips

Someone referred to personalizing the query as "tush-kissing."

That's a bitter misconception. We aren't looking for ego-stroking. Personalization is stating the reason you want us to be your literary agent. Often it's simply because we rep what you write. #querytip

Stacey Graham
Literary Agent
Literary agent and author whose reviews include "ok" and "arrived in great condition." Moonlights in antiques. she/her
100 MSWL
14 AskAgent
20 Queries
27 Tips

#querytip Resist the urge to have your subject line look like spam (thank you, no, I am not in need of male enhancement).

Also, don't call me "gentlemen" in your salutation.

Wait, maybe this book really *is* for male enhancement.

Nicole Fischer
Senior Editor @ HarperCollins (AvonBooks/WilliamMorrow). CA girl in the big city. My bookshelf is 🔥. She/her. All opinions = mine.
37 AskAgent
19 Tips

Real talk right now #authors: if you submit a manuscript to a publisher (or agent) via an open call/website, it is CRUCIAL that you follow their criteria. It's step #1, the easiest part, and willfully ignoring guidelines is a waste of your time (and ours). #querytip #pubtip

BookEnds Literary Agency
Literary Agency
A literary agency repping bestselling, award-winning, & int'l published authors and illustrators for children & adults. Empowering creators to achieve dreams.
53 AskAgent
127 Tips

Last week, fiction. This week: Do Author's Need a Platform for Non-Fiction? #WritingCommunity #QueryTip via @YouTube

Kate McKean
Literary Agent
CLOSED TO QUERIES. VP at Morhaim Literary. Daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings. Rep’d by @Michaelbourret
35 AskAgent
115 Tips

Also, if you are a repeat offender of sending undeniably bad, aggressive, and insulting queries, I set a filter for your name/email and you're automatically sent to the trash. Sorry not sorry. #pubtip

Kate McKean
Literary Agent
CLOSED TO QUERIES. VP at Morhaim Literary. Daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings. Rep’d by @Michaelbourret
35 AskAgent
115 Tips

Under no circumstances should you GROUP DM agents to query your work. #pubtip #amquerying

Marisa A. Corvisiero
Literary Agent
Attorney. Literary Agent at @corvisierolit . Producer. Speaker. Coach. #WriteMindset #BeKind 🌎🇦🇷🇺🇸🇮🇹⚖️📚 She/her QueryMe.Online/MAC
23 AskAgent
58 Tips
Replying to @KevinRonan4

We don't restrict whom you submit to, as your process is entirely your own. However each agent you choose to query should be properly targeted and addressed in a single e-mail so you can show them that they are the best match to represent the work. #Querytip #WritingCommnunity

Kelly Peterson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @reesagency . Twitter Valkyrie. Philadelphian. Pisces. She/her. Multitasks #LikeABoss . Gandalf of #TheFellowship . Tweets are my own.✌🏻
263 MSWL
217 AskAgent
40 Queries
115 Tips

I’m so frustrated, so random #querytip, DO NOT email 100-some agents and tell them to start bidding money for your query, and that for each bid, you will release one word of your manuscript. It cracks me up that you all think we’ve got thousands of dollars lying around to—

Ann Rose
Literary Agent
agent: @TheTobiasAgency & #rosebudauthor wrangler | author: ROAD TO EUGENICA & BREAKOUT | opinions are my own | she/her rep:@evascalzo layout:@ana_scribe
207 MSWL
448 AskAgent
11 Queries
127 Tips
Erin Clyburn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @HowlandLit // Copy Editor @foodandwine // Southerner // hiking & horror movies // she/her
170 MSWL
6 AskAgent
20 Tips

Generally, a rejection is a rejection unless we've asked to see the project again after a revision. Unless it's undergone a major overhaul (which generally does not happen in a week), please do not resend. #querytip 2/2

Erin Clyburn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @HowlandLit // Copy Editor @foodandwine // Southerner // hiking & horror movies // she/her
170 MSWL
6 AskAgent
20 Tips

I'm seeing a lot of quick repeat queries lately. As in, one of our agents rejects a project, & the author resubmits within a few days/weeks that they have done a fast edit based on the rejection feedback. Please pay attention to sub guidelines on agency sites. #querytip 1/2

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

A little clarity for you: my query reply rate is 88.3%; my submission reply rate is 84.4%. Meaning, I answer rather quickly. But I STILL have 312 unread queries, 61 others in the Maybe pile, & 23 submissions to read. Plus life, current clients, & 2nd job.

IT IS A LOT. #querytip