Literary Agent

Literary Agency
How can you tell the number of times your book has been printed? The answer can usually be found in your book! #BooksByTheNumbers
#SerendipityLit @scbwi #Publishing @ALALibrary #Authors #LiteraryAgent @PublishersWkly #PubTip #Agents #POCinPub #Writers #Books MUA: @FacesbyMadge

Literary Agency
"Baggage is okay. It’s good to share it. It’s good for the new person in your life to know what might trigger bad feelings. And it’s good for you and your new relationship to build up a trust that can overcome that baggage." #WednesdayWisdom #PubTip bookendsliterary.com/2019/04/23/the…

Literary Agent
#querytip I know agents give out a lot of tips around querying, but honestly, we just want to know you tried. It's ok if your query isn't perfect. Give it your best and it'll show.
Best of luck #amquerying

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Adria Goetz @adriamgoetz
Now let’s talk about what you ~shouldn’t~ do in the first paragraph. A common mistake I see is when writers use this precious real estate to list the themes or issues explored in their project. This feels vague and fluffy to me. #querytipThis looks like: “My novel is about love and fear and forgiveness and mental health issues and my protagonist overcomes many obstacles to accomplish her goal.”
This doesn't give me any sense for what actually happens in your book! #querytip

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Adria Goetz @adriamgoetz
Let’s talk about the first paragraph of a query letter! In my mind this is the most important part to get right, and I want to share some thoughts on how to make it strong.#querytip #amquerying #amwriting #amediting
I look for the first paragraph of a query letter to include a birdseye view of the project—AKA the basic stats (title + age group + genre + word count), as well as a sentence-long elevator pitch. This grounds the agent in the project + shows that you know your stuff. #querytip

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
All of us as readers respond to voices. The writing you create doesn’t have to be full on business mode. Your voice should shine through. #QueryTip youtube.com/watch?v=AYyw78… via @YouTube

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Writer's Digest @WritersDigest
Here's the definitive post on word counts for various novel genres and for different children's books. #WritingCommunity buff.ly/2YXOvM6 pic.twitter.com/MNaWjxXbhdLately I've been getting quite a bit of subs with word counts that are way off for their genres, so here's the classic but ever relevant post by @ChuckSambuchino on word count that all querying authors should read. #querytip #writetip twitter.com/WritersDigest/…