Julie Gourinchas

Literary Assistant

Bell Lomax Moreton

she/they 🌿 literary flâneuse @BLM_Agency . 🇫🇷🇺🇸 in 🇬🇧. intellectual (non-practicing). likes: literary fiction, cheap wine, Aragorn II Elessar. views mine.

Julie Gourinchas
Literary Assistant
she/they 🌿 literary flâneuse @BLM_Agency . 🇫🇷🇺🇸 in 🇬🇧. intellectual (non-practicing). likes: literary fiction, cheap wine, Aragorn II Elessar. views mine.

I have *obsessively* been playing Hades for the past nine days, so, naturally: #mswl for folklore or myth retellings; #mswl for fraught family dynamics, particularly difficult fathers; and #mswl for a polyam triad in the vein of Thanatos x Zagreus x Megaera 💕