Alex Aceves
Holiday House
mexico city girl in bkln. likes the 🍷 not the 🏷. lets other pens dwell on guilt&misery. associate editor @HolidayHouseBks, writer by night. opinions my own.

4. books about the dynamics of friendship groups—I’d love something YA or MG with the feel of NOW & THEN, but more diverse (Celia Pérez’ STRANGE BIRDS does this really well, eg)

2. something like SLIDING DOORS but funny! (or perhaps what i’m wishing for is a YA or MG EEAAO). the two roads/what if thing is usually deployed in the context of loss or tragedy, but I’d devour a story where someone’s universe is split over something absurd

1. girls and nb folx who skate! does anyone else miss BETTY on hbo? I was gutted when it was canceled and keep thinking I’d love a bipoc YA or upper MG BETTY, a book about the challenges of hanging at the skate park as not-a-cis-guy 🛹

Yes, thanks for mentioning, @AnikaDenise! Upper MG is absolutely at the top of my #mswl, so if any kidlit authors have non-genre MG manuscripts with protagonists who are 13 or 14 and in 8th grade, I’d love to consider them for Holiday House.

✨Lane TIMES INFINITY✨ @lanewriteswords
Hi hi! It’s nearly spooky season AND Latine & Hispanic Heritage Month!! If you are Latine and/or Hispanic and have a spooky book, any age group, I would love love love to read it. I will be prioritizing these books (and any books by Latine and/or Hispanic writers) this monthbig #MSWL item for me too, though I can only do picture books through YA