Sarah Guan
Erewhon Books
Works in the book trade: publisher & 2x Hugo Award-nominated editor of speculative fiction @erewhonbooks . @Stanford 🎓, New Yorker, Earth citizen. (she/her)
Sarah Guan
Works in the book trade: publisher & 2x Hugo Award-nominated editor of speculative fiction @erewhonbooks . @Stanford 🎓, New Yorker, Earth citizen. (she/her)
160 MSWL
5 AskAgent
2 Tips
Sarah Guan
· 19 Jan 2022
rebecca kuss @reebsthereader
i have a new most-hated phrase in kidlit publishing ("too niche") 🤮🙃❌💩i also have a new most-loved phrase in kidlit publishing ("dark whimsy") 💖🖤🦄🧝🏽♀️
please send me “dark whimsy” (adult & YA); i need more whimsy in my life and the world demands darkness… #mswl
Sarah Guan
Works in the book trade: publisher & 2x Hugo Award-nominated editor of speculative fiction @erewhonbooks . @Stanford 🎓, New Yorker, Earth citizen. (she/her)
160 MSWL
5 AskAgent
2 Tips
Sarah Guan
· 9 Dec 2020
evelyn @drivinatninety
let’s unpack why teenage girls ask the same questions academics do in more accessible terms and get dragged through the mud#mswl — this is everything I want in YA speculative fiction
also, perfect place to plug @ockaur’s forthcoming YA SF novel, RISE OF THE RED HAND, whose teen heroine asks alllll the uncomfortable questions about power and inequality—often with her fists 😉…