Jacqui Lipton
Author, law prof, Senior Lit Agent, @TheTobiasAgency ; #AALA ; LAW & AUTHORS: A LEGAL HANDBOOK FOR WRITERS (UC Press, 2020); OUR DATA, OURSELVES (UC Press, 2022).
James McGowan
Literary agent, author, sitcom enthusiast, professional snacker... @bookendslit (he/him)
Jared Johnson
He/him | Medievalist-turned-agent | Associate Agent with Olswanger Literary | Love of books, dogs, vidja games, D&D | I occasionally have a clever thought.
Jemiscoe Chambers-Black
Associate Agent @AndreaBrownLit -Authors & Illustrators. Wife, mom of 3, MFA grad, & former Asst. Director for film & TV. querymanager.com/query/Jemiscoe
Jen Nadol
Author, agent, mom, chapstick addict theunteragency.com
Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. 🇦🇲 (she/her)
Jennifer Laughran
I’m a literary agent for children’s books. Also a life-long bookseller. Also there’s a podcast in the mix. she/her 🏳️‍🌈😘 header art by @cuddlefishpress
Jennifer March Soloway
Jennifer#4 @AndreaBrownLit | she/her | @MillsMFALit alum | PB+MG+YA+Adult | In love with all things story | ✨Revision is magical!✨
Jes Trudel
Assistant Agent at The Rights Factory. OPEN!
Jess Dallow
new yorker. associate literary agent at @browerliterary & cat sitter. she/her. opinions & tweets are my own. 💗💜💙
Jess Errera
bookworm. tar heel. crafter. mac&cheese connoisseur. musical nerd. | literary agent @jane_rotrosen | she/her | opinions all mine
Jessica Alvarez
Senior literary agent and Foreign Rights Manager, @BookEndsLit . Former editor. Looking for adult fiction and nonfiction. She/her
Jessica Faust
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
Jessica Felleman
Agent @JLyonsAgency1 , Writer, Marshmallow enthusiast she/her more active on IG @jmfelleman query me: jfsubmissions (at) jenniferlyonsliteraryagency (dot) com
Jessica Mileo
Lit. Agent at @Inkwellmgmt | #BlackLivesMatter |🇨🇺 in publishing | 🌈 She/Her | My opinions are my own queryme.online/JessicaMileo
Jessica Reino
Literary Agent @MetamorphLitAg ; Author; host of #TheWritersZen chat; #FoodAllergy & #InvisibleIllness advocate; She/Her; Opinions my own
Jill Marr
Literary agent, baseball mom, wine lover, cake eater--not necessarily in order of importance.
Joanna MacKenzie
Agent at Nelson Literary Agency. Chicagoan via Canada. she/her
Joshua Bilmes
The personal Twitter account for the President for Life of JABberwocky Literary Agency.


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