Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Founder @triadaus, Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
Literary Agent
Sana @sahana_thiru
@UweStenderPhD If your long-term goal is to pursue publishing in multiple genres/age groups, does it matter which one you focus on first?Whichever one that matches your BEST book right now.
Literary Agent
Kacie Renfro @kacie_renfro
@UweStenderPhD What is the best way to seek representation for a book already published? Every agent I’ve asked said they don’t do that. Thanks for your insight!That is tough, unless it has really big sales, OR is maybe attached to an upcoming movie...
Literary Agent
Kelly Mangan @KellyAMangan
@UweStenderPhD If upper-middle grade is solidly protagonists ages 12-13, and YA is ages 17-19, then where do protags ages 14-16 belong? Is there such a thing as Lower YA?The way I see it, is that typically YA protagonists are teens, thus, I'd say 13-19 is YA.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Dani Kraai @KraaiDani
@UweStenderPhD I see a lot that agents know what is trending and what works in the market. Is there a good way for an aspiring author to figure this out?Write what you are compelled to write. I am not the agent to go for trends, trends shmends. But that's me.
Literary Agent
John Marx @poppamarx
@UweStenderPhD @Maria_Tureaud Is it unethical/detrimental to directly query publishers while also querying agents? Thanks for your time!Usually pubs don't respond to unagented queries, but if they do, it's your call.
Literary Agent
melissa cable @MelissaMCable
@UweStenderPhD When is it time to stop querying and redraft? If requests for fulls result in the same feedback ("not a good fit for me") - is that a sign to keep querying to find your champion, or go back to betas and redraft? Thanks!Yes, if you get CONSISTENT feedback, adjust. If not, then don't change.
Literary Agent
Karina Liane Evans @AsTold_By_Ging
@UweStenderPhD I’ve always wondered - when reading partials and fulls, do most agents read off their computer or print the pages out?I can't speak for others, but for a non client, I read off the Kindle.
Literary Agent
R. Pelham Hern @SteelForgedGame
@UweStenderPhD If you are interested in self publishing world English but want an agent to assist with international rights, how do you approach that in a query? Does that reduce your chance of being signed?I am not sure, but I personally would not be interested. It varies from agent to agent, I assume.
Literary Agent
Dan Faultersack @dfault5
@UweStenderPhD Recent genre favorites? Literary favorites?I am open to pretty much everything re:queries. When it comes to my own readings for fun, I relax byvreading German authors like Christine Brand, Susanne Goga, Volker Kutscher, Christof Weigold etc
Literary Agent
Rianna Cohen @riannacohen
@UweStenderPhD Anything specific you’d love to see in your inbox?Just really awesome books and concepts. Maybe more rom coms with a twist, or thrillers that make me gasp. But I am open to anything great. Maybe more queries from people who enter in online contests, as my administrative duties don't really give me space and time to partake.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Nancy Scott Hanway @nanhanway
@UweStenderPhD What's the best (published) book you've read this year?Christof Weigold "Der Blutrote Teppich."
Literary Agent
Dan Fitzgerald @DanFitzWrites
@UweStenderPhD Is there still a market for swords and sorcery? Many agents say they are not interested in European medieval inspired fantasy, and that often goes with the genre. I know the market has diversified, but is old-school s & s dead?Nothing is ever dead in books and movies.
Literary Agent
Linnea Garcia @Linnea_Garcia
@UweStenderPhD Thank you for humoring us writers with your time!Are comp titles in a query necessary?
They help. Most agents like them. I do, too. But *categorically* necessary? Nothing is categorical, unless you are Immanuel Kant.
Literary Agent
HL Hinkle🍳 @TheComingOfGose
@UweStenderPhD Any interesting/surprising trends in your query inbox lately?No, just a bunch of really wonderful queries covering a wide array of genres and topics. Keep them coming.
Literary Agent
Kari Veenstra @KariVeenstra_
@UweStenderPhD So I'm guessing that even if that project sold very well, an agent still wouldn't sign on to represent it, and if an author wanted representation, they'd need to write something new, query, and use project 1 as pub credit? Am I understanding the process? #askagentYou are asking great questions. Too complex for Twitter. No single answer will be correct. In *general * terms you are correct, but there could be many exceptions depending on the agent and/or the project and/or the project's sales. Sorry for my vague answer.
Literary Agent
Mindy Wendell @mnwendell
@UweStenderPhD What do you advise about querying more than one agent at a time? #askagentDO IT. Don't EVER just query one. At least 10 at a time if not more! Just not to the same agency at the same time.
Literary Agent
Kari Veenstra @KariVeenstra_
@UweStenderPhD Obvs it differs by agent and project, but if an unagented author has a pub deal and still wants an agent what are some things said author can do to partner with one? #askagentJust let them know you have an offer and see what they will say. If a deal has ALREADY been signed, sealed, and delivered, then an agent cannot help you with that.