Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Founder @triadaus, Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Founder @triadaus , Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
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🌒Emmy🌕Maher🌘 @EmmyMaher
@UweStenderPhD Question! When the response to your query is 'it's just not quite the right fit for me.' is that a form response? #AskADrunkAgent Thank you!Replying to @EmmyMaher
I, for instance, read every query. But due to the amount of queries I get every day, I don't compose individual responses. #askagent
Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Founder @triadaus , Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
1203 AskAgent
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☕Kara Cargill 🎄❄ @Coffee_Is_love
@UweStenderPhD Is it common though? #askagentReplying to @Coffee_Is_love
Not uncommon. It all depends on the circumstances and need. #askagent
Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Founder @triadaus , Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
1203 AskAgent
44 Queries
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☕Kara Cargill 🎄❄ @Coffee_Is_love
@UweStenderPhD Meant to do #askagent oopsReplying to @Coffee_Is_love
Maybe one agent only represents non-fiction, but the writer wrote a YA novel. #askagent