Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Triada US Literary Agency
Founder @triadaus, Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
Literary Agent
AJ @Ajay_H_Kumar
@UweStenderPhD I have a couple fulls out (some for weeks, some for 2 months) and recently noticed a section of one chapter, in the beginning, got misplaced and is randomly wedged between two ending chapters. Should I email the agents and offer to swap it out with the fixed copy or alert them?I would, yes.
Literary Agent
Susan Burdorf @sburdorf
@UweStenderPhD #askagent If a person submits a story claiming it to be own voices how deeply a part of the story do you think they should be? i.e. someone not LGBTQ submits a story claiming Own voices but relates this to the "feeling of being left out" instead of being LGBTQDon't do it.
Literary Agent
Angie McCullagh @AngieMcWriter
@UweStenderPhD How do you feel about an MC who starts w/a strong goal, but the goal is reached 1/4 into the book and evolves into a more abstract, emotional goal? Ex: she thinks a cross-country move will save her marriage, but gets there and realizes it hasn't & she has to revise her plan.That is ok to me .
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Katharyn Shaughnessy @KatharynShaugh
@UweStenderPhD What would you recommend to someone interested in a career as a literary agent? Or more specifically how does one become a literary agent? Thank you!I am the wrong person to ask. In general, you would probably start as an intern in a literary agency.
Literary Agent
🦊Ari Augustine🦊 @SouffleLumiere
@UweStenderPhD On average, how many queries do you get a month?Roughly 30-50 or more every day...365.
Literary Agent
Mary Lou Irace @MaryLouIrace
@UweStenderPhD Hi Ewe. Saw a year old request for a book similar to mine on MSWL. Would I be a day late and a dollar short to query? Thank you!Not necessarily...Trying never hurts.. but Ewe hurts when my name is Uwe. But don't lose sleep over it. I, surprisingly, won't have an identity crisis over it. I just prefer Uwe.
Literary Agent
Verena Willkomm @VerenaWillkomm
@UweStenderPhD Awesome, thanks for the input. Are there any drawbacks for agencies to representing foreigners, like visa issues?No. You need to get a tax form, but but the agent or the publisher will send you the necessary paperwork.
Literary Agent
Nyikia @iamnyikia
@UweStenderPhD @Maria_Tureaud I’m new to this agent thing, so I probably have dumb question. I write short stories and poetry. Would that be ok to send to an agent or publisher or do they just want fully written books?Questions are NEVER dumb. Only people who think they know everything and never ask are dumb. It depends on the agent. A collection of either should be fine to query.
Literary Agent
Verena Willkomm @VerenaWillkomm
@UweStenderPhD Hi Uwe! We met at the Pittsburgh Writers Workshop on March 24th, but I didn't get round to asking this question: If I live in Germany but write in English, where should I look for an agent? It seems not many writers fit in that category, so I've found it hard to figure it out.It really does not matter. But if it is in English, I would look for a UK or US or Australia etc. based agent first.
Literary Agent
Sarah Cat, writer of books for emergent readers. @SarahCatsCats
@UweStenderPhD @Maria_Tureaud With all of the submissions you get every day how can authors make themselves stand out when millions write in their genres?Write a book that I want. I don't know what that is, but I know it when I see it. It's like dating, you don't fall in love with every date, but you do with some.
Literary Agent
Jean M. Malone 🐐 @JeanMalone
@UweStenderPhD If an agent rejected a writer on a book the writer loved and still believed in, should they query with a new project? The agent might accept the new project, but does it doom the old project?The agent does not reject the writer, just the project. So, of course, query the agent again. It does not necessarily doom the first project, but if nobody else wanted it so that you went back around for book two...it *may* not have been a masterpiece...
Literary Agent
E. C. Lee @EthanTheAuthor
@UweStenderPhD @Maria_Tureaud What’s your favorite genre to read/rep?YA contemporary...but I love all.
Literary Agent
L. Ryan Storms @LRyan_Storms
@UweStenderPhD Just curious. What's the longest amount of time you've had a client on sub *without* a deal? (And what's the longest amount of time you've had one on sub before *getting* a deal?) #askagent10 years, I think on part 1, 9 on part 2
Literary Agent
MycrofetteHolmes @MycrofeteHolmes
@UweStenderPhD My biggest fear is that I am writing in a genre that is oversaturated (PNR). I have my own spin on things ofc, but is it something that agents have had enough of?I would write what you are good at, and if that is PNR, go for it. Old wine in new barrels sells.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Nancy Stroer @Nancy_Stroer
@UweStenderPhD Hi Dr. Stender, I'm planning to query you in a month or so, but your website doesn't include submission preferences for you. Are you closed now? Thanks!I am NEVER closed. NEVER CLOSED. And I am German, so I mean what I say. I just want the query. That is it. If you send me ten sample pages, that is fine, but I won't read them. I will either pass or ask for the full based on the query. Did I say NEVER CLOSED?
Literary Agent
Miri C Golden @MaryCWallis
@UweStenderPhD How does the subbing process work? Do you sub to one editor at a time? Multiples? Is there an average turn around time for answers?Multiples...at least 6-12. I wish there were a turn around time. I plead the fifth on that question.
Literary Agent
Courtney King Walker @ckingwalker
@UweStenderPhD What do you do when a current client sends you a new ms you're not particularly fond of? #askagentIf it is fixable, I will tell them how to fix it. If it is just awful, I will tell them it is awful and write something else.
Literary Agent
Aneta Cruz @AnetaCruz
@UweStenderPhD How is the market for folk/fairytales? Not the Disney-fied ones, but ones in the style and darkness of the Bros Grimm, Andersen, films by Guillermo del Toro, etc.Folktales are the BEST expression of common humanity. There are "experts" who claim that folktales are different for different cultures. Truly, they are not. They are of human commonality. Thus, they will ALWAYS have appeal.