Ramona Pina
Literary Agent
BookEnds Literary Agency
She/Her馃嚚馃嚮馃嚡馃嚥馃専Book Hoarder 馃専host @podcasthollow 馃専DIY enthusiast 馃専Writer 馃専Literary Agent @bookendslit 馃専 QueryManager.com/rpina
Literary Agent
In the spirit of being anti-pumpkin spice, I want my #MSWL to embody stories (YA and Crossover Adult genre fiction) that don't give a f*ck! #femininerage #DoRevenge
Literary Agent
I want adult #SciFi that gut punches you into oblivion. Light on the Sci, heavy on the Fi. Destroy me with a rotini twist of an ending. Give me urgency and a sense of purpose of THE FIFTH SEASON blended with the quirk of THE FIFTH ELEMENT.
Literary Agent
Hello #writingcommunity. @jmcgowanbks isnt the last agent to tell you about their #MSWL. I aspire to his level. 1. QueryManager link: QueryManager.com/rpina.
In 2022, I'm focusing on building my #Adultfiction, #YA, & #MG lists with a majority of underrepresented voices.