Susan Graham

Literary Agent

Einstein Literary

would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

Susan, A Graham @Grahamophones

Hi! I feel like this should go without saying, but please do not call (especially repeatedly) with your name and number and ask us to call you back because you need an agent. If you can google our number, you can google our submissions inbox. #querytip #subtip

I've been encountering this A Lot lately. It tells me either you can't follow guidelines, which are there for a reason, or you're calling an agent whose website you haven't been to. If you do it repeatedly, it even gets a touch creepy. Please don't do this. #subtip #querytip

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

Hi! I feel like this should go without saying, but please do not call (especially repeatedly) with your name and number and ask us to call you back because you need an agent. If you can google our number, you can google our submissions inbox. #querytip #subtip

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

Hello, comp titles can be good, but your query should be about your book, not other people's books! Don't tell me what other books are about, what is yours about! Don't list other people's books first! Serve your work, pals, by focusing on your work in-query!! #subtip #querytip

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

#subtip #querytip Agents and publishers are different. I cannot publish your book, I work at an agency. Agencies do not publish books. This has been a public service announcement.

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

Hello! #subtip #querytip, please don't query with your resume. Query with your work. Tell me about your work & use sub guidelines. Your resume without context helps no one. Like, really no one.

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

#querytip #subtip Please don't just share your google doc with people as a query. I delete those bc of virus potential. + unless I'm purposefully clicking on a link to a website or portfolio, I don't want to navigate out of my inbox for submissions. Follow guidelines.

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

#querytip #subtip #writingtip - Look at the market. How long are books in your desired age category/genre? It is UNLIKELY that the average book in your category/genre is significantly over 200K words. It is Very likely the average word count is significantly under 200K words.

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

#subtip #querytip (2/2) Second, don't send an envelope full of random docs & no context. I just received an envelope with replies to previous correspondence from fake news outlets. No letter, no project synopsis, fake author bio. Just don't do this. For 80+ reasons.

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

#subtip #querytip - (1/2) First, don't mail hard copies of submissions if the agency says they don't take mailed submissions. Wastes paper, wastes time, they're just gonna email you back if they respond. I know agencies who say they just throw paper away. Follow sub guidelines.

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

#subtip #querytip your book doesn't need 8 titles: THE BLUE SERIES, The Reckoning, Book 1, Time Travelers (I just made up this title). you & your agent will change the title, your publisher will change it again. Be thoughtful, but don't overdo it, buds. 🐸

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

I get so many queries for picture books addressed to my colleague who doesn't rep picture books. You very much need to do your research. #querytip #subtip

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

#subtip #querytip - I can't read your work if you don't send it with your query letter! For ELM, it's in our sub guidelines - 10 pages in the body of the email please (or as appropriate w picture book or graphic novel).

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

I feel like I need to make a twitter account that's just @ObviousSubTips! Friends, Put Your Name Somewhere On the Galdarn Query! You don't get credit for your math test if you don't put your name on it. Same principle applies. PUT YOUR NAME ON IT. #subtip #querytip

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

Another #querytip #subtip - don't bcc a bunch of agents, we can see that you didn't personalize your letter. Be thoughtful about your work, who you send to, and how you send it. It shows us you're dedicated & have done your research. Serve your work.

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

Hello again! Please don't query with a light, pastel font on a white screen? If I have to highlight the text to read it, it's not good? Thanks! #subtip #querytip

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

Hello! Me again, your friend neighborhood agent in submissions! Popping in to say it reflects poorly when your book shares a title w a bestselling or touchstone novel, esp if it's for the same age category & genre! Do your research! Serve your work! #querytip #subtip

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

Friends! If you are actually referred to an agency through a real person who exists, please tell us their name! Maybe tell us how you know them! Please put their contact at our agency somewhere in the query! Otherwise I think you're lying to jump the line.... #subtip #querytip

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

Please do not change fonts randomly throughout or partway through your query. If your query is hard to read physically, it will make it hard to read in terms of comprehension & emotional investment! Serve your work! #querytip #protip

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

Hello, please do not query with a link or a youtube video. If I open your email & you're asking me to click away, especially with no text in the body, I will delete. Very seriously, never query with just a link. #subtip #querytip

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
121 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips

It's amazing to me the number of queries that say "I'm querying you because of your interest in [insert thing I have never said interests me in my whole life]." Agents talk about their interests all over, friends. Do your research. #querytip #subtip