Daniele Hunter

Literary Agent

McIntosh & Otis

Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

Daniele Hunter
Literary Agent
Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

Open to near-future dystopian (but not post-apocalyptic) with social critique, magic, or both (BLOOD LIKE MAGIC by Liselle Sambury, INTERNMENT by Samira Ahmed.).

Sparingly open to higher fantasy if very detailed, atmospheric, accessible (A FORGERY OF ROSES by Jessica S. Olson).