Nephele Tempest

Literary Agent

The Knight Agency

Literary agent @KnightAgency , writer, and unapologetic bookworm. Opinions are my own, and I've got a lot of them. CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES. She/Her

Nephele Tempest
Literary Agent
Literary agent @KnightAgency , writer, and unapologetic bookworm. Opinions are my own, and I've got a lot of them. CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES. She/Her
28 AskAgent
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Would love to see some upbeat women's fiction, or at least with a happy ending. Great characters, strong voices, personal revelations, maybe w/ a bit of romance on the side. #MSWL

Nephele Tempest
Literary Agent
Literary agent @KnightAgency , writer, and unapologetic bookworm. Opinions are my own, and I've got a lot of them. CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES. She/Her
28 AskAgent
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Looking for stories that reflect the real world, in romance, WF, YA, etc. Different voices, different POVs, strong identities. #mswl

Nephele Tempest
Literary Agent
Literary agent @KnightAgency , writer, and unapologetic bookworm. Opinions are my own, and I've got a lot of them. CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES. She/Her
28 AskAgent
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Still would love to sign some romances w/ heroes of dubious moral character. Think pirates, spies, corporate raiders. #mswl #amwriting

Nephele Tempest
Literary Agent
Literary agent @KnightAgency , writer, and unapologetic bookworm. Opinions are my own, and I've got a lot of them. CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES. She/Her
28 AskAgent
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Also looking for WF with a really strong voice. Not up for really depressing right now; something light/upbeat w/ or w/o romance. #MSWL

Nephele Tempest
Literary Agent
Literary agent @KnightAgency , writer, and unapologetic bookworm. Opinions are my own, and I've got a lot of them. CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES. She/Her
28 AskAgent
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Would love to take on some great new romance, particularly contemporary & romantic suspense with relatable characters/strong hooks. #MSWL

Nephele Tempest
Literary Agent
Literary agent @KnightAgency , writer, and unapologetic bookworm. Opinions are my own, and I've got a lot of them. CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES. She/Her
28 AskAgent
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I just updated my #MSWL this week over on my blog. You can always find my latest wishes over there:

Nephele Tempest
Literary Agent
Literary agent @KnightAgency , writer, and unapologetic bookworm. Opinions are my own, and I've got a lot of them. CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES. She/Her
28 AskAgent
10 Tips

Still looking for fiction with hero/heroine of dubious moral fiber: thieves, highwaymen, double agents, etc. #mswl

Nephele Tempest
Literary Agent
Literary agent @KnightAgency , writer, and unapologetic bookworm. Opinions are my own, and I've got a lot of them. CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES. She/Her
28 AskAgent
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Also seeking women's fiction & upmarket fiction. Strong, diverse characters & plot with great pacing/tension. #mswl

Nephele Tempest
Literary Agent
Literary agent @KnightAgency , writer, and unapologetic bookworm. Opinions are my own, and I've got a lot of them. CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES. She/Her
28 AskAgent
10 Tips

Would love contemp romance or romantic suspense. High concept, sexy, diverse characters. #mswl