Nephele Tempest
Literary Agent
The Knight Agency
Literary agent @KnightAgency, writer, and unapologetic bookworm. Opinions are my own, and I've got a lot of them. CURRENTLY CLOSED TO QUERIES. She/Her

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
There's been a recent uptick in folks emailing me unsolicited submissions. Reminder: Always read an agency's guidelines before querying! Ours are at #pubtip #Submissions

Literary Agent
Dahlia Adler @MissDahlELama
Things that feel like Must Haves but actually pretty much no one will notice if you have none:*swag
*business cards
Writers, you really don't need biz cards. Contact info should be on manuscripts/queries/emails. Handing me one in a pitch, separate from your work, means nothing when I get home and it's one in a stack (that gets tossed). #pubtip

Literary Agent
Reminder: I'm still closed to queries. Should be reopening soon, but will announce both here and on my blog. #pubtip #amwriting

Literary Agent
It's difficult to remain optimistic when the 6th word of a submission is a typo. #AgentLife #pubtip