Literary Agent
Literary Agent
JD Literary Agency @JDLitAgency
Happy Monday! JDLA is thrilled to welcome two new #litagents to the team: Ryan Eichenwald and Zabé Ellor (@ZREllor)! Learn more about them and what they're looking for at! to our newest agents @JDLitAgency! #querytip #amquerying #amwriting
Literary Agent
Léonicka @leonicka
Slowly taking a machete to my query inbox. It is MUCH HARDER than I anticipated to give feedback to writers individually but maybe I can give a few tips here?I fall in love with characters first and foremost. All the other writing elements are important, yes, but you can win me over (or lose me completely) with your characters. So when pitching me, lead with them. #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
"As a concept this shows lots of promise but what is missing is the emotional aspect of the plot." I did the pitch surgery in this month's Mslexia magazine. Read my advice on this pitch for a Romantic Comedy novel #askagent #querytip #publishing #romcom
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#QueryTip When querying me, if your first chapter is slightly longer than 10 pages and you'd like to include the entire chapter, please do in the body of the email--as long as it isn't 15+ pages. Best of luck! #amquerying
Literary Agent
#querytip Another great conversation and clarification that's come about tonight: Third Person Omniscient vs. Third Person Limited! It's important to know the difference and which one you're writing. :) Make sure you do your research with other books, too!…
Literary Agent
Psst... #amwriting #amediting #amquerying authors. I would like you read this thread, and then I would like you to make every effort to lift up another creative person who might be struggling today in this challenging, competitive industry. #querytip #writetip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#Querytip I've seen many authors who have no idea how to write a query recently. My box is filled with writers who only put a few sentences down or put their synopsis in the query section instead. If you're unsure how, @JaneFriedman is an excellent source!
Literary Agent
At @Writers_Artists conference. @bellaeditor talks about how writer’s voice is vital, how voice is engagement. Comes with confidence. #getpublished #querytip
Literary Agent
At @Writers_Artists #getpublished conference. @bellaeditor who acquired Boy in Stripped PJs: editor has to love x3 story and expects to work with writer to shape #querytip #publishing
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Ok, I cannot say this enough #writers:
Your query is NOT your synopsis. These are two completely different documents and you need to understand how to write both. #amagenting #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Make sure you delete all the inline comments before sending a query or pages.
On a side note- this reviewer is spot on. I wonder if they are looking for an agent.
#querytip #SlushInsight
Literary Agent
If you are going to name a person who referred you it might be wise to make sure the agent knows that person. 😳 Hint: I have no personal connection to this person at all
#SlushInsight #querytip