Literary Agent
If you don't read, I am not the editor for you. #querytip
Literary Agent
Writers, meet new @JDLitAgency Agent Tara Gilbert! A Q&A with her here! @Literary_Tara #amwriting #amquerying #querytip @MondayBlogs…
Literary Agent
#QueryTip: If you have multiple projects, it is best to focus your energy on one at a time. Select your strongest, work with CPs and beta readers to fine tune it, and take it out to agents. This is important is because it's also how the submission process works! #AmQuerying
Literary Agency
"Writers hear that they’re supposed to personalize their queries–but “how personal, exactly?” is the most common question."
Agent @carlywatters shares 10 Ways To Personalize Your Query to Agents 📝 #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
#QueryTip: Check out an agent's client list before querying, if possible. If you know their clients, they can be a great resource on whether or not you'd be a good fit. You should also consider if it's a group you would feel good to be part of. #WritingCommunity #AmQuerying
Literary Agent
Didn't catch our @middlegroundbf panel? No worries! Read the article:… #writing
#amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Does your novel's scene feel like a jumbled mess? How to take those bits and sketch a scene that works! ~ @sarahsundin on @MyBookTherapy #writingtip #writing #pubtip…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Hey all! I am currently closing to queries for a bit to focus on client work and catch up on my submissions. I will still be going through and answering those I have, so keep an eye out for my replies! #amquerying #querytip #WritingCommunity
Literary Agent
Happy August! Here's a few #querystats for July:
Queries received: 676
Rejected: 661
Full requests: 2
Offers of rep: 1
I currently have a few unread queries & 7 full manuscripts, & my goal for the month is to get through them all. Inbox zero for September! Wish me luck. 😬
Literary Agent
Middle Ground Book Fest @middlegroundbf
Our very last panel is all about the future of MG publishing! Back to the Future: what to expect after 2020 with @JanaeMarksBooks @Megan_Manzano @RedPenKaitlyn @helloomabel @whimsicallyours @_smromero #middlegroundbookfest don't wanna miss this!!! =] @amquerying #amwriting #querytip #WritingCommunity
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
The best way to show an agent that your novel is high concept is to write a one (at most two) line hook/logline in your query letter before your summary. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Answering questions today for subscribers of AGENTS & BOOKS, such as:
-Do I have to mention my former agent?
-Do I have to write a dumb query? B/c they're really dumb.
-What will the internet think if I don't sell my novel????…
#WritingCommunity #pubtip
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Hey friends, today's AGENTS & BOOKS wins for most repeated question marks deployed in a single newsletter, so read on about why I am so ????? when people send me non-consecutive chapters as part of their submissions.…
#WritingCommunity #bookagents #pubtip
Literary Agent
Elana Roth Parker @ElanaRoth
I have 300+ unread queries to answer and I never let it get that high so the number is freaking me out and it’s only 3 weeks worth of queries and I’m completely feeling under water. #amagentingAnd I am sure there’s good stuff in there that I’m just going to have to say no to because of time. Which always makes me feel terrible. #querytip #amagenting
Literary Agency
"A beginner’s guide to looking up agents. Because it shouldn’t be that hard, and if you know the right resources, it isn’t. Especially when those resources are (almost entirely) free." via @ericsmithrocks #PubTip #QueryTip