Literary Agent
Update: I am caught up to June in my query box! 😁 #amagenting #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
#QueryTip: Make sure to provide correct contact info in your query and make sure it’s working! Today I’ve screened queries with no Email address, and had one of my replies bounce. #WritingCommunity #AmQuerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kaitlyn Johnson @RedPenKaitlyn
Y'all, I've seen a bunch of "To whom it may concern" queries today.Please use our names. We are people. #amagenting #querytip #amquerying
I’ve seen queries in my box that don’t even address me. Please address us. We are people. We want to feel close to your work. Just like how you want to feel connected to an agent. We want the same thing as an agent. ❤️ #querytip #WritingCommunity #amagenting
Literary Agent
Y'all, I've seen a bunch of "To whom it may concern" queries today.
Please use our names. We are people. #amagenting #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
Victoria Strauss @victoriastrauss
New #WriterBeware blog post: The Impersonation Game Redux: another scammer impersonating another reputable literary agent (@LitAgentMarini ) in order to rip off writers (@arcaedia has also been a target)… Agent
Literary Agency
How to Handle an Offer of Publication via @YouTube #writingcommunity #querytip
Literary Agency
"A beginner’s guide to looking up agents. Because it shouldn’t be that hard, and if you know the right resources, it isn’t. Especially when those resources are (almost entirely) free." via @ericsmithrocks #PubTip #QueryTip
Literary Agent
#QueryTip: please fill out ALL the fields on an agent's query form! If you don't know what something means (comps, #OwnVoices, etc.), do some research rather than leaving a field blank! #AmAgenting
Literary Agent
Jennie Goloboy @JennieGoloboy
Some brief advice, if you're writing a query letter: if you're not getting positive responses, it probably won't help to make it longer.When I read a query letter, I'm looking for a description of the plot and the characters. If I can't find it because you've buried it in paragraphs describing your characters and prose style as "memorable," or quoting my #mswl back to me, it makes your query less appealing.
Literary Agent
It's not helpful to compare your publishing journey to anyone else's. Each writer, and each experience, is different. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Gina Panettieri @ginapanettieri
In giving me your book summary or logline for a query or submission package, focus more on the plot than on your themes. I want conflict, stakes and motivation - show me in the plot how these elements drive the story and shape the characters.Completely agree. #querytip #amquerying
Literary Agent
#QueryTip for those who are seeking representation with me: please be sure your MS is an appropriate length before you submit! #AmAgenting
My preferences:
MG: 30-60K words
YA: 50-80K words
Adult: 70-100K words
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
If you get an offer, giving an agent a week to read the full is not enough. I need at least 2 to rearrange my schedule to seriously consider your manuscript.
If an agent pressures you into less than 2 weeks... maybe take a closer look at that agent #amquerying #querytip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
#Pubtip If you want great success in publishing, take the time to learn to write and learn the business. This is like going to school before entering the work force. You have to have skills.