Are you the perfect Mystic Owl Press (a new imprint of City Owl Press!) author? enigmaticeditor.blogspot.com/2020/08/who-ar… #amquerying #querytip
Book Formatting & Distribution Options -- What I chose to do and why:
#MondayBlogs #selfpublishing
#indie #indieauthors #pubtip #YA #PNR #vampires
Today's Journey to Self-Publication post is all about formatting and distribution options:
#MondayBlogs #selfpublishing #pubtip #YA #romance #PNR #vampires #indie #indieauthors
"Plan ahead. Figure out where you want to distribute your books, then work with a formatter to create the various formats you'll need."
#MondayBlogs #selfpublishing #Indie #indieauthors #pubtip #YA #Romance #PNR
Literary Agent
#QueryTip: Unfortunately, "new adult" isn't really a marketing category that currently exists in traditional publishing. When you're querying, make sure that you are able to identify whether you wrote your book for a young adult audience, or and adult audience! #AmQuerying
Literary Agent
Given potential delays, authors should make sure the publishing contract specifies the on-pub $ is paid at least 12 months after acceptance of the manuscript even if the book hasn’t published. #pubtip nytimes.com/2020/08/27/boo…
Would you make the perfect Mystic Owl author? Take a look and see: enigmaticeditor.blogspot.com/2020/08/who-ar… #querytip #submitting #amwritingromance #WritersRoad
Literary Agent
Query Tip:
Don't attach your manuscript unless the agent specifically asks you to. Unsolicited attachments aren't opened, which means your work isn't read if you sent it as an attachment.
#WednesdayWisdom #querytip #amquerying #writers
Literary Agent
By popular demand, I wrote about how to get a story/essay anthology off the ground. Buckle up. katemckean.substack.com/p/how-to-do-an…
#WritingCommnunity #literaryagents #litagents #pubtip
Literary Agent
July queries have now all been answered. If you didn’t hear from me, I didn’t get your query. This is a major victory! Now onto August! #amagenting #querytip
Literary Agent
So when you personalize your query letter #amquerying authors make sure the things you are saying about the agent are true. I was just told I was a fan of a series I’ve never read, of genres I’m meh on, and like...why lie to me about me? Personalize smarter. #querytip
Literary Agent
I don't know who needs to hear this today. But keep trying. Keep going. You'll get there someday. #amquerying #querytip #querying #WritingCommnunity #amwriting
Literary Agent
#QueryTip: Most agents don't consider fiction projects until they're completely written, and have been polished to be the best they can possibly be. Querying with an unfinished project or one that's not ready yet can lead to disappointment on all sides. #AmQuerying
Literary Agency
We got @inthesestones to share with us some of her wisdom on querying and writing. Swipe through for a #Querytip and #WriteTip. instagram.com/p/CERmvbCgp65/…
Literary Agent
#QueryTip: Know the genre of your book! Hint: LGBTQ2S+ is not a genre, and I get this answer ALL the time! Even books featuring queer and trans people have genres, I promise. #AmQuerying
Literary Agent
You can also try to think of these items as opportunities for small wins that can add up to the big one. A good query leads me to read the pages. Good pages lead me to request the book. Then each chapter makes me want to read the next...etc. You get the idea.
Literary Agent
Also if a query describes a main character at a certain age or stage in their life, but the first 10 pages introduce me to someone entirely different or the MC at a different stage in life, I won't know what I'm looking at. Make them work together organically.
Literary Agent
You don't need to give me every plot detail or world-building element in the query, but you need to set the scene. You're inviting a reader to open the book. Just enough grounding to know where the journey starts. The 10 pages take over and have more space for detail.
Literary Agent
A query and your sample pages should work together symbiotically. The query should have enough context and detail and intrigue to lead me to those first 10 pages. Those 10 pages should start in a place I recognize from the setup in the query.