Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Happy August! 😎 Please note that @AlisonFargis, @EmMorgen, and @maddestofburts are now closed to submissions until September 1!
The rest of our agents are still open, and you can find all the info you need on how to query them here: #querytip
Literary Agent
When #amquerying, don't mention you researched an agent & chose her because of A, B, & C, unless A, B, & C are actually true. Kinda defeats the purpose otherwise. Just sayin'... Don't make stuff up to impress. Don't use form "personalized" queries. We see through them. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Well, it’s August 1st. I’m officially open to queries. Here comes the flood… #querytip #amagenting
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
How I Pitched Murder, She Reported by Peg Cochran #querytip #agentpitch…
Lessons from Rejections from our editor @AuthorLisaDunn… #ACFW #AmQuerying #AmWriting #AmEditing #PubTip #Writerslife
Literary Agent
It's 11pm where I am, and I've just put my 12 yr old to bed after a long and enthusiastic conversation about the books they are reading and loving. What I've learned is GOLD for those #amwriting #amediting #amquerying Middle Grade. #writetip #querytip A #thread of quotes:
Literary Agent
Dara Kaye @DaraKaye
Been thinking more about takeaways from last weekend's #CHESAWW writers conferenceThis pic is from Saturday afternoon, the "First Pages Panel", where first pages of unpublished works were read aloud anonymously to a panel of literary agents.
(NB: all works were fiction.) 1/x…
After pages were read, agents said where/why they would have stopped reading.
Some patterns quickly emerged. The top 2:
1. Many pages started with way too much description. Clothes, curtains, weather. Nothing's happening. Agents wanted more action.
#writingtips #querytip 2/x
Literary Agent
Out of most recent requests: 2 YA contemporary, 2 women's fiction, 1 suspense out of about 20 queries total, which is a higher rate of "yes" than usual for me! #querystats #keepemcoming #positivemondayvibes
Literary Agent
#querystats I'm currently caught up on queries and have responded to all requested materials sent before June 1st. #amagenting
Literary Agent
#querystats We have reached 0. All queries have been responded to you. If you have not received a response, check spam filter or junk email and if you still don't have one, let me know.
Literary Agent
#querystats I have responded to all picture book queries.
Literary Agent
Please don't reference clients' books you obviously haven't read in Qs. Not necessary and looks bad. #pubtip #allwewantisagoodstory
Literary Agency
#pubtip Make sure to know if the size of your book matches the current market or your genre. Size does matter.
Literary Agency
Buford has some opinions in what makes a bad agent a bad agent. Visit our YouTube channel to see his (and Jessica Faust’s) advice on bad agents. #literaryagents #publishing #pubtip…
Literary Agent
#QueryFail = "I've written the next big New York Times bestseller and I just need your help getting Random House to pay attention to me."
Literary Agent
The query letter broken down in its simplest form:
Who is your MC
What do they want (goals)
What stands in their way (obstacles)
What happens if they fail (stakes)
That’s it. That’s what we need to know. #querytip #SlushInsight