Literary Agent
Naomi Davis @NaomisLitPix
Hey authors! If you've been impacted by an Agent Behaving Badly, you need to hear my boss's words of wisdom. It is NOT your fault. Brush off the dirt and get back in the ring. You CAN do this, and you CAN arm yourself to make a more informed decision
And please PLEASE look me up on #MSWL &keep me in mind for your next queries if you are newly agent-less. I promise transparency in everything in our working relationship, I promise integrity, & dedication to you&your career. #querytip #askagent #writetip
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
#pubtip Don't give an agent or editor a reason to reject you. Here's a hint...follow the submission guidelines and do what we ask. There is a reason we ask for the material a certain way.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
K Childs Writer @Kchildswriter
@MarleneStringer I'm kind of thinking first few pages should be pretty in context even without a good query- like the writing should be solid all tge way through. But now I'm like "how does one even avoid that" in a query since thats its purpose?I think you misunderstand. Sometimes we receive pages -- just pages. No other info. It's like - guess the genre, the conflict, etc. You need a solid Q to set up the pages for a read. #pubtip
Literary Agent
Successful Querying Requires Doing Your Homework #amquerying #pubtip…
☕Coffee Time With Kara☕ Five Query Essentials. I've heard authors say that writing the novel is the easy part. It's the query letter that's the most difficult part of the process. #QueryTip #AmQuerying #AmWriting #EditorTip #PubTip #GetPublished #ACFW
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
In my inbox I'm seeing a lot of queries for superheroes and noir. That's not good or bad one way or the other = I'm just making an observation.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
All women's fiction & single-title romance--80,000-100,000 words #querytip #wordcount
Literary Agent
All mysteries should be between 80,000-100,000 words #querytip #wordcount Cozy mysteries might be the exception in that they can be as low as 70,000 words
Literary Agent
Any suspense/thriller, including psychological, series, domestic.... should be in the range of 80,000-100,000 words #querytip #wordcount
Literary Agent
I mentioned this a few weeks ago, but I'm seeing a consistent problem with word count in queries. For every fiction genre I represent (I ONLY represent adult) 50,000 words is too short. #querytip #wordcount #tuesdaythoughts
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
You guys, my guidelines can't be any clearer : No attachments with queries. If you query me with attachments, it will be deleted. Just deleted a ton of queries from writers who just aren't reading my guidelines. Frustrating. Guidelines here: #querytip
Literary Agent
#querystats 47 queries and 10 fulls. The oldest query is from April 26th.