Literary Agent
@parmita_ If you're fan of a client, that's a nice add, particularly if you write something similar. Only if sincere, though. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Janet Frost🎄❄️🎄❄️ @janflora
Relate Q: How beneficial are pitch contests? Do agents like them as much as we do? I learn a lot, for sure. @BookEndsJessica #BookEndsChat@janflora Personally, I hate Twitter pitch contests—I need more than 140 characters. But ones on websites can be fun. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@saharishta I'd also recommend reading more in that genre and paying attention to the voice #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@Saharishta It may just be a question of taste, but it might be helpful to work with a critique partner #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Oli Veyn @oliveijn
#BookEndsChat What advice do you have for foreigner authors? Should they translate the whole manuscript or only elevator pitch and synopsis?@oliveijn you're going to have to translate it all. if a request comes in from a US agent they'll want the book in English #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Julia Kay Jett @juliakayjett
If I had to choose 1: would you recommend a university writing workshop or a writing conference with prospective agents? #BookEndsChat@juliakayjett I would definitely target the conferences with pub pros. Usually you can learn about craft & the biz at those. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Julia Kay Jett @juliakayjett
If I had to choose 1: would you recommend a university writing workshop or a writing conference with prospective agents? #BookEndsChat@juliakayjett a univ class will though teach you the basics of writing, style, and hopefully voice. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Julia Kay Jett @juliakayjett
If I had to choose 1: would you recommend a university writing workshop or a writing conference with prospective agents? #BookEndsChat@juliakayjett a Univ. writing workshop won't usually teach you how the biz works, and might often give wrong biz advice #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
🎄 William White 🎄 @RileyMiniMag
Is MG sci-fi a hard sell? 🤖 🚀
@DogRoomProds Not necessarily. It all comes down to voice and accessibility for youngsters! #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Julia Kay Jett @juliakayjett
If I had to choose 1: would you recommend a university writing workshop or a writing conference with prospective agents? #BookEndsChat@juliakayjett personally, I think a good conference will teach you more about publishing, the biz, & provide networking #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Julia Kay Jett @juliakayjett
If I had to choose 1: would you recommend a university writing workshop or a writing conference with prospective agents? #BookEndsChat@juliakayjett it would depend on what stage you're in with your writing and career. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
J. F. Klekotka @JFKlekotka
Hello everyone! I'm just curious about the current MG and YA market. Like, what seems to be trending? #BookEndsChat@JFKlekotka Trends come and go, but I know I'd certainly like to see some YA thrillers, myself. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Sue Ward Drake @SueWardDrake
@AgentJessicaA Saw #MSWL - On psych trillers do I need violence or just a big creep factor? Thx. #BookEndsChat@suedunn103 @agentjessicaa to me a psych thriller keeps me guessing and is more internal. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Sue Ward Drake @SueWardDrake
@AgentJessicaA Saw #MSWL - On psych trillers do I need violence or just a big creep factor? Thx. #BookEndsChat@suedunn103 @agentjessicaa a thriller needs to be creepy. Violence isn't necessary actually. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Sue Ward Drake @SueWardDrake
@AgentJessicaA Saw #MSWL - On psych trillers do I need violence or just a big creep factor? Thx. #BookEndsChat. @suedunn103 No, you don’t need violence. A big creep factor will do. I’m always open to non-gory thrillers! #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
J. F. Klekotka @JFKlekotka
@inthesestones @parmita_ #BookEndsChat Do you think an eighteen-year-old protagonist is more NA?@JFKlekotka @parmita_ Not necessarily. It really depends more on the book itself. The plot arcs and tropes, etc. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
J. F. Klekotka @JFKlekotka
@inthesestones @parmita_ #BookEndsChat Do you think an eighteen-year-old protagonist is more NA?@jfklekotka @inthesestones @parmita_ I think that would depend on the book/plot/subject. It's sort of straddles the line #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@parmita_ none of those make an author. just put a little about you. where you live. unrelated degrees, etc. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@parmita_ Yes, I think 18 is stretching it a bit. Could make it a tougher sell. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@parmita_ It's definitely in the upper end of YA. It's doable, but can be a bit tougher depending on genre involved! #BookEndsChat