D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent

MeiLin Chan @meilin418

For the PB market, do you find grandparents-themed stories difficult to sell right now? What would be more considered more sought after?
#askagent & #askECLA
Replying to @meilin418

I wouldn't say they're necessarily more difficult, it depends on the story you're telling. An "I went to my grandparent's house" is different than "my grandparent passed away" is different than "my grandparent is teaching me something about my culture."

#AskECLA #AskAgent

Mandy Hubbard
Literary Agent
Author of eleven novels. Founder of Emerald City Literary. Follow me for book talk… stay for pictures of my cows.
28 AskAgent
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MeiLin Chan @meilin418

For the PB market, do you find grandparents-themed stories difficult to sell right now? What would be more considered more sought after?
#askagent & #askECLA
Replying to @meilin418

I think many adults think PBs are "easy" because they are short, and many parents/grandparents decide to write them and center themselves in the story too much. Those same parents/grandparents still buy books, so if it's well done, there's room for it. #AskECLA

Caitlin White
Literary Agent
editor | associate agent @emeraldcitylit | formerly @hellogiggles @bustle | big fan of shark movies and em dashes (she/her) 🫀
8 AskAgent

M. Miller @m_mwriter

Are you open to 80s-90s historical fiction or is that market dead and/or over saturated? Thanks! #AskECLA
Replying to @m_mwriter

I wouldn’t say any category is dead. IMHO, I’m wary of that time period because I worry it’s the writer telling a thinly veiled story of teenagerdom THEY know, instead of trying to speak with teens today. But as with everything, done well and differently is never dead! #askECLA

Mandy Hubbard
Literary Agent
Author of eleven novels. Founder of Emerald City Literary. Follow me for book talk… stay for pictures of my cows.
28 AskAgent
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Christina Ferko 💗💜💙 @ChristinaFerko

@MandyHubbard Do you know how long (estimate) you will be staying open for at all? I'd love to query you w/my creepy thriller but still doing revisions on it.
Replying to @ChristinaFerko

Hoping to stay open for quite awhile! I am 100% caught up on queries and have two fulls (from January) I need to finish. I think my vice is staying open TOO long and developing a backlog because I don't want to miss out on awesome stuff! #AskECLA

D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent

Lauren Simonis-Hunter @SimonisLauren

How about any horror elements you're not a fan of? #AskECLA
Replying to @SimonisLauren

My nos for horror:

Gore for the sake of gore/shock value. long, drawn-out on-page assaults
ableism (this is a hard one because horror is FULL/based on ableism)

#AskECLA #AskAgent

Mandy Hubbard
Literary Agent
Author of eleven novels. Founder of Emerald City Literary. Follow me for book talk… stay for pictures of my cows.
28 AskAgent
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E.M. Wright | SEDITION OUT NOW @EMWrightWrites

#AskECLA I know YA fantasy is a bit oversaturated right now, but are there any particular elements that you’re looking for? Things that might stand out in the current market?
Replying to @EMWrightWrites

I try to say "competitive" rather than "oversaturated" because I think there is always room for brilliance. I actually signed a new YA fantasy this week. For me it's just about feeling fresh/interesting and not super derivative. #AskECLA

Caitlin White
Literary Agent
editor | associate agent @emeraldcitylit | formerly @hellogiggles @bustle | big fan of shark movies and em dashes (she/her) 🫀
8 AskAgent

Caitlin White @caitforestell

@meganthebookwrm Oooooh the prologue. Very controversial! :) I think they *can* work if you're honest with yourself as a writer and not just starting the manuscript in the wrong place. This is more for "action prologues" than anything. #AskECLA
Replying to @caitforestell

What I mean by that is when your Chapter One is less ~exciting~ so you tack on an eventful moment first thing as a prologue. That doesn't usually work. But sometimes, they are appropriate ways to tell the story you want to tell, so it's up to the prologue! #AskECLA #askagent

D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent

Megan Lind Persinger @meganthebookwrm

How do you all feel about the dreaded prologue?

Replying to @meganthebookwrm

Not 100% against it but many times they are not necessary. It also depends on how many pages you are to submit. I take 20 pages (which should get me, at least, the first chapter) but some people only want the first 3-5 pgs.


Caitlin White
Literary Agent
editor | associate agent @emeraldcitylit | formerly @hellogiggles @bustle | big fan of shark movies and em dashes (she/her) 🫀
8 AskAgent

Megan Lind Persinger @meganthebookwrm

How do you all feel about the dreaded prologue?

Replying to @meganthebookwrm

Oooooh the prologue. Very controversial! :) I think they *can* work if you're honest with yourself as a writer and not just starting the manuscript in the wrong place. This is more for "action prologues" than anything. #AskECLA

D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent
Mandy Hubbard
Literary Agent
Author of eleven novels. Founder of Emerald City Literary. Follow me for book talk… stay for pictures of my cows.
28 AskAgent
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D. Ann Williams 🏳️‍🌈 @dawilliamsbooks

@judieofferdahl #AskECLA #AskAgent

This generally only applies to PB because of the shorter word count. It's also to see what other stories/ideas the author has and what type of work will be needed.
Replying to @dawilliamsbooks

Yes, agree with D.Ann, it's not AT ALL uncommon in the PB world, but for novels usually it's more "what direction are you going next?" Even editors ask US this when they are about to offer on a project! It's usually good--they're looking ahead. #AskECLA

D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent
Caitlin White
Literary Agent
editor | associate agent @emeraldcitylit | formerly @hellogiggles @bustle | big fan of shark movies and em dashes (she/her) 🫀
8 AskAgent
D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent
Caitlin White
Literary Agent
editor | associate agent @emeraldcitylit | formerly @hellogiggles @bustle | big fan of shark movies and em dashes (she/her) 🫀
8 AskAgent

Judie Offerdahl is tapping away @judieofferdahl

#askECLA This may be a silly question but, if an agent says she loves the first MS you submitted, why do they need to see additional MSs before offering representation?
Replying to @judieofferdahl

No silly questions! I've never asked to see additional MSs, but I have asked what else the writer is working on to get a sense of what kind of writing path they envision for themselves. All kidlit, some adult? Plus how much they write, what stories they want to tell #AskECLA

Mandy Hubbard
Literary Agent
Author of eleven novels. Founder of Emerald City Literary. Follow me for book talk… stay for pictures of my cows.
28 AskAgent
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Caitlin White
Literary Agent
editor | associate agent @emeraldcitylit | formerly @hellogiggles @bustle | big fan of shark movies and em dashes (she/her) 🫀
8 AskAgent

Lauren Simonis-Hunter @SimonisLauren

For those interested in YA horror, any specific elements you are looking for? #AskECLA
Replying to @SimonisLauren

Ooh that's such a good question. I love contemporary, personally, but atmosphere is most important. I want those creepy feelings to build and build so that I know something WRONG is going on, but I'm not sure what yet. Love twists and turns. #AskECLA

Mandy Hubbard
Literary Agent
Author of eleven novels. Founder of Emerald City Literary. Follow me for book talk… stay for pictures of my cows.
28 AskAgent
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