Literary Agent
@parmita_ It means something different to everyone, sadly. In my case I can see it's good, but just doesn't hit my buttons. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@parmita_ It may just mean you haven’t found the right person yet. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
AftenBrook Szymanski @aftenbrook
@BookEndsJessica @janflora is this due to oversaturation of pitch events, or many participants are repeats/inexperienced? Something else?@aftenbrook I don't find pitch events give me the info I need. A query is better for me. They also take time I don't have. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@ninjahuggie Make sure it's a very massive re-write and politely ask if you can. Just don't assume! #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@ninjahuggie It doesn’t hurt to ask, but your voice is probably something that wouldn’t change in a rewrite. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@ninjahuggie I say "why not" life is too short not to take risks. The worst that could happen is they'll reject again. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Sue Ward Drake @SueWardDrake
@Campbele_E @BookEndsKim I understand historical mysteris are a hard sell these days.@suedunn103 @Campbele_E Yes, but no matter what you have a better shot when your pitch shows that you know your audience. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Sue Ward Drake @SueWardDrake
@BookEndsJessica Hook wud be missing Jade statue & related death of playboy #BookEndsChat@suedunn103 not really a hook. that's a plot #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@parmita_ Nope, none. I just care about the writing. As for communicating, that's what skype is for! #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Sue Ward Drake @SueWardDrake
#BookEndsChat @BookEndsJessica on cozy mysteries - would u ever look @ one set in 1930s CA with prot and romantic interest? thx.@suedunn103 I do like hist mysteries. It would depend on the hook for me. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@parmita_ we work with them in the same way we do any author. I don't care where you're from. I care about your writing #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
I'm not a fan of pitch contests @janflora #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
TaraThompson, Author @TaraLovesBooks
Hi! JessicaA&JessicaF- I noticed in your two recent #MSWL, neither of you asked for Contemporary Romance...?? #BookEndsChat@taralovesbooks Personally I'm not looking for much contemp romance right now unless it's dark and suspenseful #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Sue Ward Drake @SueWardDrake
#BookEndsChat -diff topic- COZIES - what @ insur investigator in 1930s w/ some romance?@suedunn103 That sounds like a historical mystery, not sure I'd call it a cozy. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Janet Frost🎄❄️🎄❄️ @janflora
Relate Q: How beneficial are pitch contests? Do agents like them as much as we do? I learn a lot, for sure. @BookEndsJessica #BookEndsChat@janflora It depends on the contest. I've gotten several clients from them. But often they're overwhelming for agents! #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@parmita_ I love a mention of something I've said in an interview. Just... don't sound like you have stalked us! #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@parmita_ don't force it. if there is nothing more don't worry about it. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@saharishta sadly, voice isn't something that can be taught. It's something you'll have to hone. a critic group is great #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
Oli Veyn @oliveijn
#BookEndsChat What advice do you have for foreigner authors? Should they translate the whole manuscript or only elevator pitch and synopsis?@oliveijn I have a foreign client - but their book was originally written in English. #BookEndsChat
Literary Agent
@saharishta genre readers esp expect a certain voice in the writing. YA has a specific voice. #BookEndsChat