Literary Agent
Dani Nicole @Dani_NicoleYA
Is YA high fantasy a hard sell? I never thought it was, but some agents seem to turn away. Others have grabby-hands! #askTBA.@Dani_NicoleYA #askTKA I'd consider it. Yes, it can be a tough sell, but anything amazing is worth the work.

Literary Agent
Setsu U @KatanaPen
In a query letter, is it relevant or valuable to mention any speaking experience? (Panelist at a sci-fi con, etc) #askTKA@KatanaPen It doesn’t affect opinion of writing, but does show you have potential readers/platform/marketing angle. #AskTKA

Literary Agent
Setsu U @KatanaPen
Is it rude to query multiple agents (different agencies) at once? #askTKA@KatanaPen Nothing worse than finishing a manuscript you love only to learn writer accepted rep from someone else 2 weeks earlier. #AskTKA

Literary Agent
Setsu U @KatanaPen
Is it rude to query multiple agents (different agencies) at once? #askTKA@KatanaPen We expect you to. Just inform agents who ask to see something if others have partials/fulls, and keep everyone updated. #AskTKA

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Setsu U @KatanaPen
@NepheleTempest it does seem like an investment. Plus, the publisher has in-house editors too, correct?@KatanaPen Correct. Your editor will edit for story, and then production will have copy editor go over before pub. #AskTKA

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Setsu U @KatanaPen
When it comes to writing in multiple genres or for diff. age groups, would one agent represent all work? Is that troublesome? #askTKA@KatanaPen Depends on agent. Most prefer to rep all your work. If they don’t rep one area, will rec someone for rest. #AskTKA

Literary Agent
Laurence Brothers @lbrothers
Is there really a 90-100k wordcount limit for first novels in SFF? If it's a soft constraint, how significant is wordcount? #askTKA@lbrothers Longer books mean a dollar or two higher price point, & can be difference btwn reader trying new author or not. #AskTKA

Literary Agent
Laurence Brothers @lbrothers
Is there really a 90-100k wordcount limit for first novels in SFF? If it's a soft constraint, how significant is wordcount? #askTKA@lbrothers There are always exceptions. SFF gets a bit more leeway in word count due to world building. But need fab story/writing. #AskTKA

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Alysha Beers @alyshabeers
#askTKA Do queries need a personal touch aka why I'm querying them over other agents?@alyshabeers Not absolutely necessary but it’s always nice. Makes you stand out a bit, shows you’ve done research on agents. #AskTKA

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Setsu U @KatanaPen
Is it helpful or necessary to have a manuscript professionally edited (after one's own revisions) before submitting to an agent? #askTKA@KatanaPen So pro edit before submission is really your call. Best for writers who learn from the process and carry it forward. #AskTKA

Literary Agent
Setsu U @KatanaPen
Is it helpful or necessary to have a manuscript professionally edited (after one's own revisions) before submitting to an agent? #askTKA@KatanaPen If someone’s had pro editing prior to submitting and I get them a three book deal, what will book 2 look like? #AskTKA

Literary Agent
Setsu U @KatanaPen
Is it helpful or necessary to have a manuscript professionally edited (after one's own revisions) before submitting to an agent? #askTKA@KatanaPen I’m seeing this more and more. I’m on the fence. I want great, polished work, but also to see what the author can do. #AskTKA

Literary Agent
Paula Gesmundo @noapaulag
My mythology based fantasy is 128k words. I don't think it meanders. Too long anyway? #askTKA@noapaulag Always too long if you think it meanders, regardless of word count. But 128K also on long side for new author. #AskTKA

Literary Agent
Emily Thrash @JustThrashTalk
#askTKA If you ask for a Revise &Resubmit, does how long the writer takes to implement changes affect your decision?@JustThrashTalk It can, if you turn a major revision around way too fast, or take years on something small. #AskTKA

Literary Agent
Cara Reinard @carareinard
Does it hinder your chances of getting rep for a future novel if you pubbed your first book through a small pub? #AskTKA@carareinard Absolutely not. Lots of writers get their start with a smaller publisher & pub credits are always good. #AskTKA

Literary Agent
Ann Bell Feinstein✡️ @AnnBFeinstein
@KnightAgency If an agency doesn't list your genre among their current clients is it a good idea to query them or should you pass? #AskTKA@AnnFeinstein01 Don’t always have current clients in every genre we rep. Try checking sub guidelines on site/ask on Twitter. #AskTKA