Literary Agency
The latest New Leaf #askagent - "What will inspire you to recommend a book?" See our answers here:…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Just answered a SLEW of #AskAgent questions on le tumblr. So many, I can't even link to them all individually.
Literary Agency
Tumblr #askagent: If my MS touches on racial experiences, should I mention that I am of the same racial background?
Literary Agency
Kerstin Wolf @Kerstin_Wolf
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse I forgot the hashtag!.@Kerstin_Wolf There are many paths, but arguably the best way is to intern for an agent who matches your genre interests. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Karen K. Lewis @Karen_K_Lewis
@FuseLiterary #amwriting, #askfuse, please define the difference between NA and Adult Contemporary Women's F. thanks @Karen_K_Lewis.@Karen_K_Lewis NA is "Oh, shit. I'm an adult. Now what?" in any genre. Age 18-25. Contemp WF isn't bound to that but is for women. #AskFuse
Literary Agent
So it's a bit late, but I've just had my lunch & I'm going to take some time to answer some #askagent questions on
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Working on my editorial calendar tonight! Let me know what topics you'd like to read about on the blog. #askagent
Literary Agency
The latest featured #AskAgent from the New Leaf agents! "Do you read one book at a time, or several?"…
Literary Agent
Dev @tallcapdoppio
Hi @YAFantasyFan #askagent if u love story but grammar needs work in writing:is this NO or would u consider working w/ author? Thank u4time😄@tallcapdoppio work you can! Grammar mistakes slip through, but we do consider the amount of work needed to perfect it! #askagent
Literary Agent
Dev @tallcapdoppio
Hi @YAFantasyFan #askagent if u love story but grammar needs work in writing:is this NO or would u consider working w/ author? Thank u4time😄@tallcapdoppio As long as it's not TOO much grammatical work, I'd be okay. You want to present an agent with the best possible #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Lindsay Kroeger @Lkroeger007
Good question! #askagent #p2p16 #askeditor…@Lkroeger007 @aftenbrook MC's mind. Remember that publishing is a very subjective business! #askagent
Literary Agent
Lindsay Kroeger @Lkroeger007
Good question! #askagent #p2p16 #askeditor…@Lkroeger007 @aftenbrook I prefer a strong 3rd, while I know other agents who prefer 1st, as they feel it gets them inside the #askagent
Literary Agent
Lindsay Kroeger @Lkroeger007
Good question! #askagent #p2p16 #askeditor…@Lkroeger007 @aftenbrook I don't believe anyone has actual statistics to show that, at least to my knowledge. I think that #askagent
Literary Agent
Lindsay Kroeger @Lkroeger007
For NA/F, what do you see as trending in the future, and what is way overdone and tired? #p2p16 #askagent@Lkroeger007 emotional turmoil, individual journey type of novels, focusing on the MC's development and less about the romance. #askagent
Literary Agent
Lindsay Kroeger @Lkroeger007
For NA/F, what do you see as trending in the future, and what is way overdone and tired? #p2p16 #askagent@Lkroeger007 business (with the exception of fantasy, which is doing the opposite) seems to be heading more towards realistic, #askagent
Literary Agent
Lindsay Kroeger @Lkroeger007
For NA/F, what do you see as trending in the future, and what is way overdone and tired? #p2p16 #askagent@Lkroeger007 I've also recently heard that the rockstar romances are slowly fading out of adult and NA. The entire publishing #askagent
Literary Agent
Lindsay Kroeger @Lkroeger007
For NA/F, what do you see as trending in the future, and what is way overdone and tired? #p2p16 #askagent@Lkroeger007 genre though, which is awesome. The new fad is independent series books though! #askagent