Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Gretchen @greyhatton
@literaticat My YA WIP is mostly thriller with a grim & gory ending. Could I pitch as thriller? Horror? Horror light? :) #askagent@greyhatton either, I guess! Having not read your book - do what you feel! "Scary YA!" #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Will Kelly @will_t_kelly
@literaticat any advice on seeking freelance art representation? Not sure if that's your field or not but def. interested. #askagent@will_t_kelly dunno about art reps, sorry! Slightly diff from lit agents (we rep illustrators - only for books, not editorial etc #askagent
Literary Agent
juliann law @juliannlaw
@literaticat Putting together a pb dummy, does it matter if I use landscape, portrait or square format? Is 1 better than another? #askagent@juliannlaw i would probably do landscape so that you are working in spreads, not pages. Spreads are everything! #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Megan Antosy @missmegs102
Anything you recommend besides determination and a sense of humor? #askagent@missmegs102 PATIENCE. ENDLESS. PATIENCE. (Still working on that myself) #askagent
Literary Agent
Jodi Gallegos @JodiGallegos_
@literaticat are you ever interested enough in the story to ask for a "revise & resubmit", or just say "no" if it's not perfect #askagent@DisgruntledMom I ask for revisions if I see the vision for them. #askagent
Literary Agent
Josephine (writes about talking cats) @dreaminghour
#askagent @literaticat I've been told YA where the MC is 13/14 is a "no go". How do series where the MC grows up overcome this?@dreaminghour like Harry Potter you mean? They are usually middle grade. #askagent
Literary Agent
Katie Spina @KatieSpina
@literaticat if book 1 is a technology type fantasy is it okay for book 2 to reveal that magic is what makes the tech work #askagent@KatieSpina the fact there is MAGIC In the world seems like a big thing to leave out of the first book but...if you do it well? #askagent
Literary Agent
Faerl Marie @Faerlmarie
If you significantly revise an MS is it appropriate to resubmit? Should you mention it was previously submitted? Thanks, #askagent@Faerlmarie if you've truly majorly overhauled and it's been 6+ months - ok. But yes, mention. #askagent
Literary Agent
Colin R. Leslie @colinrossleslie
@literaticat #askagent Which conferences usually have the most #YAlit oriented agents in attendance?@colinrossleslie huh - I don't know! I mean, I'd guess #SCBWI confs, but those are the main ones I go to, maybe there are others! #askagent
Literary Agent
@lauraeweymouth friendly. As long as you are *being* friendly and aren't, like, creepily asking about it, etc. 😻 #askagent
Literary Agent
Nicola Davidson @NicolaMDavidson
@literaticat Do you see many BAD contracts nowadays, or are most reasonably fair with a few tweaks? #askagent@NicolaMDavidson some bad - mostly from new small publishers. We have already negotiated agency boilerplate w biggies. #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
We're recapping our latest #askPSLA event in a series of Tumblr posts. Read part five here:
Literary Agency
We're recapping our latest #askPSLA event in a series of Tumblr posts. Read part four here: