Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Laura Zats @LZats
@OdeliaEmmanuel I will consider their career goals, future works, &personality before I sign them. I'm signing them, not a book! #askagent@LZats @OdeliaEmmanuel Agree here. I weigh all the positives of a writer, which stretch beyond just the book. #askagent
Literary Agent
Samantha E. Williams @SEdenWilliams
@LZats #askagent Tied into that: best to mention series potential in a query or leave it out? (I've read advice to do both :P)@SEdenWilliams Mention it. Won't hurt! it's the POTENTIAL that's important #askagent
Literary Agent
Adana K. Washington @adanawashington
Generally speaking, how long will an agent keep a client if they haven't sold any of their books? #askagent@adanawashington That is entirely subjective, and depends on the gameplan of the author's career #askagent
Literary Agent
Lucretia @lucretiastories
@LZats #askagent Feelings on comps from diff genres if ms combines them? Like pure spy novel and tech oriented thriller for a techno spy #T?@lucretiastories That's a pitch, not a comp. Okay for a description of the work, but don't confuse it w/ competition #askagent
Literary Agent
Keith Manuel @KeithAManuel
#askagent How much weight do you put on a debut writer having short stories already published?@KeithAManuel almost none. But for litfic if might matter more. @erikhane? #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Samantha E. Williams @SEdenWilliams
#askagent Is it better to work on (potential) sequel to what one queries or something new? (Assuming an agent chooses to work w/author).@SEdenWilliams Series! You'll be surprised how soon you'll need to submit #2 to a publisher! #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Deanna Cabinian @DeannaCabinian
Do you sign clients solely based on their MS (fiction)? Or are there other factors you consider before offering rep? #askagent@OdeliaEmmanuel I will consider their career goals, future works, &personality before I sign them. I'm signing them, not a book! #askagent
Literary Agent
Laura Zats @LZats
@JoEatsFood @erikhane Something I've never seen before. A story and an MC I simply MUST explore. Why is your book different? #askagent@LZats @JoEatsFood a clear understanding of author platform somewhere in there helps too. #askagent
Literary Agent
@SChakrabs To me, more information is better, especially if we plan to go out and try to sell the book ourselves. @LZats? #askagent
Literary Agent
Kerstin Wolf @Kerstin_Wolf
@LZats haha so it's the potentially new, yet not quite there, category that may or may not be growing into something? #askagent@Kerstin_Wolf It's been flirting with being real for years. Readers like it! Sellers and publishers don't #askagent
Literary Agent
@SChakrabs Absolutely let them know. No one likes to be kept out of the loop! #askagent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Mistle-Jo Ladziński ☃️has a Master's now @JoEatsFood
#askagent @erikhane What's your favorite thing to see in a query?@JoEatsFood @erikhane Something I've never seen before. A story and an MC I simply MUST explore. Why is your book different? #askagent
Literary Agent
Mistle-Jo Ladziński ☃️has a Master's now @JoEatsFood
#askagent @erikhane What's your favorite thing to see in a query?@JoEatsFood a tight, energetic description that's not just a plot summary. It's a lot like great jacket copy, to me. #askagent
Literary Agent
Laura Zats @LZats
@erikhane @Kaily_Snides Case in point why I'm meaner than Erik. #askagent@LZats @Kaily_Snides HA! To be clear, word count totally matters to me. Just less so immediately. #askagent
Literary Agent
J.H. Winter @jhwinterauthor
#askagent Do you like having a pitch line at the start of a query to jump you into the story?@jhwinterauthor YES! There's even a name for it—the hook! #askagent