Literary Agency
Bronwen Fleetwood @bronniesway
Would it make a diff to publishers? What is author is outside the US? @FuseLiterary @fairly_literary #AskFuse.@bronniesway @fairly_literary No. We rep authors from all around the world. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
☕Kara Cargill 🎄❄ @Coffee_Is_love
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse Do you have any links to help us understand what goes on in auctions for books? I'm learning everything..@Coffee_Is_love I don't think we've broken that down on our blog, but you can Google it. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Rabia Shay @fairlyliterary
@FuseLiterary is it important that the agent be in the same location as their client #AskFuse.@fairly_literary These days it doesn't matter where the agent or client lives. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Ann Campbell Reed @ACampbellReed
If a YA query is turned down for being "adult" which is the most common culprit: voice, content or writing style? #AskFuse.@ACampbellReed They're all common, but often it's content. They're writing a book about teens that's for adults 1st and teens 2nd. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Literary Agency
E.M. Shue @emshue_ak
#askfuse #amwriting is it okay to query a publisher without an agent?.@emshue_ak Sure. Most larger pubs require an agent, but many indies don't. Don't query agents & pubs simultaneously. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Ann Campbell Reed @ACampbellReed
Discussing your additional projects with a potential agent, but your new WIP is something the agent doesn’t rep? Just trash it? #AskFuse.@ACampbellReed Always discuss yr work w yr agent. For example, we have clients writing in diff genres & repped by diff Fuse agents #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Katie Lewis @kathryndlewis
#AskFuse How do you define women's fiction, and why is it classified separately from literary fiction? #amwriting.@kathryndlewis It's not the best term but WF = specifically for women. I precede it w Literary, Upmarket, or Commercial, depending #AskFuse
Literary Agency
#askagent - "What are some of your favorite magical realism novels?" New Leaf agents answer here!…
Literary Agency
Tumblr #askagent: Will an agent represent me if my novel has already been on submission with a previous agent? A:
Literary Agent
In the query trenches? Get agent feedback this weekend. Details here:… #mswl #askagent #amquerying
Literary Agency
Meg Ripley @ripley_meg
How do agents at @FuseLiterary feel about serailization of fiction on sites like Wattpad while querying? Exposure= good or bad? #AskFuse.@ripley_meg Though it isn't necessarily a killer, it removes some options & may be releasing the work before it's properly edited #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Jennifer Weingardt @JenWeingardt
Do you like to hear about a fiction writer's social media presence in the query letter? #askfuse.@JenWeingardt Platform is less important in fiction than nonfiction, but if you have it, let us know! #AskFuse
Literary Agency
Sara O. Thompson @ThWritingSpider
#AskFuse Got a form rejection from agent (not 1 of yours) in less than 1 hr after sending. Re-query? Query another agent from same agency?.@ThWritingSpider Don't requery an agent just because they sent you a form letter. Likely no, but check the agency guidelines. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
AmandaCharles @amandaLcharles
@FuseLiterary #askfuse how would you categorize fantasy with no magic or creatures in it, but everything else made up? Low fantasy?.@amandaLcharles I wouldn't say "no" fantastical elements, but low fantasy is significantly less reliant on them than high fantasy. #AskFuse
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "What's the deal with using song lyrics in a YA novel?" -- MY RESPONSE: (spoiler: try not to) #AskAgent
Literary Agency
WriterAnniexx @MRoltoning
@NewLeafLiterary Do you only do one monday #askagent now, not the lots of multiple questions (just answered by suzie)?@MRoltoning Suzie continues to answer many #askagent on our tumblr page—these weekly posts feature several of our answers to a particular Q
Literary Agency
#askagent - What’s your biggest pet peeve that you see in first lines/paragraphs/pages? New Leaf agents answer here:…
Literary Agency
Tumblr #askagent: If my novel has a transgender character who is not the protagonist would I still label it LGBT?
Literary Agent
Viv Writes @VivWrites
Pitch opportunities on Twitter:Feb 11 #pitmatch & #PBPitch
Mrch 17 #pitmad
April 1 #kidpit & #adpit
#amwriting #sytycw15 #sunvssnow
If you think your ms is a good match for my #MSWL try the upcoming #pitchparties. I'll be req'g subs. #askagent…