Literary Agent

Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "Why do agents seem to frequently switch agencies?" MY ANSWER (I don't think it's SO frequent): tmblr.co/ZX42Sx21Q3CDM #askagent

Literary Agency
"What are your favorite first lines of a novel?" - New Leaf agents answer #askagent newleafliterary.tumblr.com/post/138931049…

Literary Agency
We're recapping our latest #askPSLA event in a series of Tumblr posts. Check out part one here: bit.ly/1PgY0g8

Literary Agent
YOU GUYS! #askagent is tomorrow @ 1p.m. CST! #teamredsofa's newest agent @erikhane will be there with me! Come with questions! Exclamation!

Literary Agency
Tumblr #askagent: What's a writer to do when agent passes on MS saying they loved voice/premise but too many issues? bit.ly/20MAnBl

Literary Agency
Deb Cohen @DCohen112371
#askfuse I have written a fantasy novel about Anne Boleyn. Unique story-but still Anne. Is the market too saturated or is there still room?.@DCohen112371 With someone as written about as her, it has to be VERY unique. If it is, there's still a chance. #AskFuse

Literary Agency
TE Carter @TECarter7
#AskFuse What kind of YA are you looking for in particular? Anything you'd like more of? Less of? @FuseLiterary.@TECarter7 It varies by agent, but we overall want more diversity, mystery/thriller, epic fantasy, historical, and graphic novel. #AskFuse

Literary Agency
AmandaCharles @amandaLcharles
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse any tropes/themes in paranormal romance you could see selling or are interested in? I know it's a tough market.@amandaLcharles That's super tough right now. It would have to be an absolute knockout and something we haven't seen before. #AskFuse

Literary Agency
AmandaCharles @amandaLcharles
@FuseLiterary #askfuse can a YA fantasy be fantasy without magic or creatures? I've had conflicting opinions on my next WIP idea.@amandaLcharles SF/F can, but if you try to do that in straightforward fantasy, you're going to get a lot of negative feedback. #AskFuse

Literary Agency
Ru “Evidence-Based” Plancia @JerushaPlancia
#AskFuse What word-count range are you looking for in debut SF? I see so much variation out there....@Ru_Christensen Debuts typically can't go quite as long as established works. Here's a good reference: writersdigest.com/editor-blogs/g… #AskFuse

Literary Agency
Ru “Evidence-Based” Plancia @JerushaPlancia
#AskFuse Just saw #mswl for SF. If I have a manuscript completed but am in revising/beta stage, am I in danger of missing query window?.@Ru_Christensen Always revise before submitting. Otherwise you're asking for rejection and therefore definitely missing yr window. #AskFuse

Literary Agency
☕Kara Cargill 🎄❄ @Coffee_Is_love
@FuseLiterary #AskFuse if I send a query to a publisher and it gets accepted, can I still try to send said book to agents?.@Coffee_Is_love You can try, but you're tying the agent's hands. Some don't like that and will reject. #AskFuse

Literary Agent
Stephanie Reidy @EscpingElegance
#askPSLA Seeing that you're CDN and I'm CDN, does that give my MS any better shot with you? i.e. Do you try to take more CND work? Thanks!@EscpingElegance no I rep more US authors actually. My taste is pretty commercial to upmarket and not one country specific #askPSLA

Literary Agency
Ann Campbell Reed @ACampbellReed
What elements are required to fall under the Contemp Fantasy genre?#AskFuse.@ACampbellReed There's a great blog post by @dreamoforgonon about that: fuseliterary.com/sff-subcategor… #AskFuse

Literary Agent
Josie Smith @_josiesmith
#askPSLA Is a platform important for a fiction author when querying?@Seshat4211 non fiction YES! Fiction no #askPSLA

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Andrew Munz @AndrewMunz
Despite westerns being popular on screen, why aren't most agents actively looking for westerns in book form? #askPSLA@AndrewMunz no market right now? Not sure. Trends come and go #askPSLA

Literary Agency
Ann Campbell Reed @ACampbellReed
Gathering prof opinions. Are agents turned off by terrorism elements, even if it’s F/Magic & no way related to current events?#AskFuse.@ACampbellReed Some might be, but a lot of that still sells. #AskFuse