Literary Agent
Amber Hall @AmberHallWrites
#askagent Several agents complain of one genre masquerading as another. What determines this? how can I avoid making this mistake?@AmberAHall Genre is often about how a book *feels* & tropes. Think about where your book will be shelved in a bookstore! #askagent
Literary Agent
Amber T. Morrell @atmorrell
I’m going to a conference for the first time (#AWP16). Any first-timer survival tips? #AskAgent@atmorrell OMG have fun! Wear good shoes, bring cards, and talk to people as people, not networking opps. #askagent
Literary Agent
Hannah Roberts @h_m_roberts
#askagent If my MC is a POC but it is a fantasy race and his race is not the plot, should I mention it in the query? How? @LZats @erikhane@h_m_roberts @erikhane Just mention that your book is diverse. That's all that's needed. We'll find out why later. #askagent
Literary Agent
Samantha E. Williams @SEdenWilliams
#askagent Would an agent indicate in a rejection if a MS is too short for a specific genre? #AskingForAFriend@SEdenWilliams Not usually. These auto-nos get form rejections. #askagent
Literary Agent
Amber T. Morrell @atmorrell
.@lzats You mentioned you’re picky about time travel. What do you like to see in that genre (for MG)? #AskAgent@atmorrell Honestly I don't know. It's all about surpris--I'm not into traditional time travel stories, which is why I love WHO #askagent
Literary Agent
❄️Athena🌠Freya Greyson ❄️ @AthenaGreyson
If we get an offer or even deal from a small press after a contest, would that look bad in future queries for other book/series? #askagent@AthenaGreyson I think showing industry interest in your work is great. I love when a writer has drawn interest in the past! #askagent
Literary Agent
Deanna Cabinian @DeannaCabinian
Is a revise & resubmit request a slow no? Or leaves the door open for yes? How often do you ask for R&R's? #askagent@OdeliaEmmanuel Nope! R+Rs are rare, as it means agent is INVESTED but the book's not there yet. Take this seriously! #askagent
Literary Agent
eBook Realm @ebookrealm
RT : If the main protagonist in a fantasy is a young adult does that automatically make the book YA?#askagent…
@ebookrealm No! YA is defined as having YA protg, audience, & coming-of-age. Need all three to be YA. #askagent
Literary Agent
J.H. Winter @jhwinterauthor
#askagent What things are best to mention for the section on why you are querying a certain agent? Do you feel this element is necessary?@jhwinterauthor I wouldn't say it's necessary, but nice-Include books they love/rep/#mswl/blogpost. Don't say where you found info #askagent
Literary Agent
Hannah R. Miller @HRuthMiller
#askagent MY kids 15-20 want more YA stories w/o emphasis on romance. Is there a market for stories like these? They hate love triangles.@HRuthMiller Absolutely! First love ALWAYS will have a place. Triangles are just a fad. #askagent
Literary Agency
We're recapping our latest #askPSLA event in a series of Tumblr posts. Check out part two here:
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
TUMBLR Q: "Why do agents seem to frequently switch agencies?" MY ANSWER (I don't think it's SO frequent): #askagent
Literary Agency
"What are your favorite first lines of a novel?" - New Leaf agents answer #askagent…
Literary Agency
We're recapping our latest #askPSLA event in a series of Tumblr posts. Check out part one here:
Literary Agent
YOU GUYS! #askagent is tomorrow @ 1p.m. CST! #teamredsofa's newest agent @erikhane will be there with me! Come with questions! Exclamation!
Literary Agency
Tumblr #askagent: What's a writer to do when agent passes on MS saying they loved voice/premise but too many issues?
Literary Agency
Deb Cohen @DCohen112371
#askfuse I have written a fantasy novel about Anne Boleyn. Unique story-but still Anne. Is the market too saturated or is there still room?.@DCohen112371 With someone as written about as her, it has to be VERY unique. If it is, there's still a chance. #AskFuse
Literary Agency
TE Carter @TECarter7
#AskFuse What kind of YA are you looking for in particular? Anything you'd like more of? Less of? @FuseLiterary.@TECarter7 It varies by agent, but we overall want more diversity, mystery/thriller, epic fantasy, historical, and graphic novel. #AskFuse